A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Packaging

Date: November, 2023 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

While “going green” may be a proud point for many businesses in this day and age, in the world of packaging and design, it’s not necessarily going far enough. Instead, it’s all about being sustainable. 

However, true sustainability doesn’t just take into account the materials that go into packaging. True sustainability also considers potential waste during the production process. When introducing end-to-end sustainability, businesses need to look back to the very beginning, to the point where the packaging is designed and then approved.

It is important to note that the packaging approval process can result in many rounds of revisions until everything is ready for production. The result can create wasted resources if your process isn’t as tight as possible, even if the packaging itself is 100% sustainable.

As a result, significant resources get wasted when mistakes slip through your supply-chain cracks. Avoidable errors can result in recalls leading to heaps of wasted packaging that have no value. For perspective, in 2015 alone, 77.9 million tons of municipal solid waste generated in the United States consisted of containers and packaging. Over one-third of that total ended up in landfills.

Read on to discover how to create truly sustainable packaging and processes for your business.

What Is Sustainable Packaging?

While a product that’s labeled as “green” carries a positive, eco-friendly connotation, it’s vague by standards set by the Federal Trade Commission. 

For example, “green” generally means one or some combination of the following:

  • Compostable
  • Degradable
  • Non-toxic
  • Ozone-safe/ friendly
  • Recyclable
  • Made from recycled content
  • Made with renewable energy
  • Made with renewable materials
  • Refillable

“Green” may sound satisfactory, but each of the above actually conveys something tangible. According to Diana Fryc, Director of Operation of Retail Voodoo, using compostable packaging is just one step.

Aside from compostable packaging, there is still a strong desire to reduce the size of packages, continued desire to use fewer adhesives, and continued use of the post-consumer recycled material,” she says. “Lighter materials to save on shipping costs and form factors that maximize shelf space bottles will also continue.

In fact, packaging that’s “sustainable” is understood to meet a long list of specific criteria, featuring many of those same characteristics. To further illustrate this point, the Sustainable Packaging Coalition has developed its own criteria for what defines sustainable packaging:

  • Sourced from materials that each remain healthy throughout the lifecycle
  • Manufactured using clean technologies and best practices, to optimize materials and energy, thereby meeting/exceeding competitive performance and cost standards
  • Transported efficiently via fossil fuel alternatives, helping to develop renewable energy markets
  • Recycled, recovered, and utilized in closed biological/ industrial loop cycles

Of course, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Consumer Goods Forum, and CEN all have alternative packaging standards. So, globally speaking, there aren’t any hard, fast rules for what constitutes sustainable packaging. There are, however, certain guidelines. 

Following them is far from easy, but this guide will help you understand the basics as you maneuver through the complex world of sustainable packaging and its implementation. 

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Ultimately, by introducing sustainable packaging into your supply chain, businesses are aiming to reduce their carbon footprint as a whole. This includes securing product packaging workflow through effective quality control. 

Preventing recalls by catching errors means less packaging, less waste, and therefore, a lot less energy consumed. After all, the resources needed to carry out recalls, which cost on average $10 million in the food industry, don’t include the transportation and labor costs of putting more packaging through your supply chain and re-shipping the product. It all affects your bottom line and the packaging footprint you’re trying to market as sustainable.

Therefore, it’s time to start looking beyond the product and at the complete end-to-end process. Many companies are integrating new technologies and automated systems that can spot errors before going to print as a pre-emptive strike against recalls. The main goal is to address sustainability, as it’s important to consider how products are made and how to be as efficient as possible with the resources available.

It turns out the idea that integrating sustainable packaging leads to higher costs is actually a myth. Studies show that companies that look to become more eco-friendly overall enjoy as much as an 18% return on investment increase. That’s potentially a lot of green for going green.

Have you heard about footprint packaging? Learn more by reading our detailed blog post. 

The Need for Sustainable Packaging

There’s little denying the benefits of sustainable packaging. There are financial benefits in store for any corporation moving in that direction. That’s not just due to the increased back-end efficiency and economies of scale that result from such a move. 

If marketed correctly, sustainably packaged products have been proven likely to sell more.

Obviously, a company shouldn’t make the switch simply to appease its conscience. All things being equal, it just makes sense to waste less and promote a brighter future filled with less waste. 

Packaging is a polluting factor” says Andreas Kioroglou, the CEO of Matador Design. “Creative design will [start to] take into account factors like the reduction of the carbon footprint of packaged goods throughout the supply chain and designs that will extend the packaging life cycle.

Read what more experts are saying about sustainable packaging here.

Over the long term, it is expected that sustainable packaging solutions will lead to higher profits relative to one’s current process. The only thing holding companies back is the inevitable, albeit short, discomfort that results from transitioning to a new and improved process.

Implementing Sustainable Packaging

Packaging plays a crucial role in influencing customers’ buying behavior, yet unsustainable packaging can damage the reputation of a company, causing customers to switch to other brands that employ environment-friendly materials and processes. 

Implementing Sustainable Packaging

Unsustainable packaging is detrimental to the environment as it increases the amount of waste that is diverted to landfills, causing increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable packaging can reduce our ecological footprint at all stages of the product life-cycle, helping the manufacturer and the customer work towards a sustainable future.

With sustainability being the major agenda for almost all countries around the globe, several organizations are introducing sustainable packaging in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment and differentiate themselves from the competition. 

However, the industry is not devoid of misconceptions that could cause confusion, making it challenging for organizations to work toward a sustainable future.

Sustainable Packaging Is An Added Cost

It is a common belief that a majority of product improvements come with a high price tag. Though the cost of sustainable packaging may seem to be high initially, it offers numerous benefits that contribute to the long-term success of a business. Moreover, socially responsible businesses incorporate the extra cost of sustainable packaging as a part of their business plan, assuring them of profits in the long term.

Adopting sustainable or green packaging enables marketers to connect with their eco-conscious and green-aware consumers, giving them a competitive advantage and boosting profits. In fact, studies conducted by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) prove that organizations that adopt eco-friendly materials and processes are likely to see a return on investment of 18 percent or more.

Apart from attracting new customers and boosting your corporate image as an environmentally-responsible organization, sustainable packaging also offers innovative designs that can be tailored to the clients’ specific requirements.

For instance, waste can be recycled using the paper molding process and converted into customized packaging in order to meet the firm’s requirements for heavy and delicate products at an extremely affordable rate. All this eliminates excessive packaging, making the shipments light and drastically reducing the products’ footprints on the store shelves.

Additionally, in recent times, brands cannot afford to ignore eco-friendly strategies. Consumers increasingly prefer products that protect the environment, reduce global warming, and prevent air and water pollution. 

Consequently, both emerging and advanced markets are drifting towards ethical and environment-friendly options, pushing designers, marketers, and package development experts to meet the right social and environmental standards.

Most countries also offer special subsidies and incentives for businesses that are looking to join the sustainability bandwagon. Moreover, firms going the sustainable way also enjoy preferential terms and tax rebates from the state and local authorities for setting up an environment-friendly business.

Thus, green packaging actually stands to save money by reducing material and shipping costs and minimizing waste, playing a persuasive role in helping customers choose your brand over the competition.

Sustainable Packaging Choices are Limited

With the growing concern regarding waste being diverted to landfills and the ensuing greenhouse emissions, customers are expecting firms to use eco-friendly elements in their products. 

Consequently, packaging firms have come up with several innovative and green materials, namely polylactic acid (PLA), bagasse, recycled paper, and post-consumer polystyrene that can be used to manufacture coffee cups, plates, cutlery, and boxes.

For instance, Evocative, a New York-based biomaterials firm developed a mushroom-based material that can be used as an alternative to plastic packaging. Similarly, Biopac, a UK-based bioplastic developer uses polylactic acid (PLA) from renewable plant sources to manufacture compostable cups and food packaging.

Sustainable Packaging Adds to Waste

Sustainable packaging is not merely about the eco-friendly nature of the final product. Instead, it means that the packaging material is made from biodegradable, reusable, and environmentally-safe matter and uses energy-efficient manufacturing procedures and health-friendly working conditions for the staff involved.

Sustainable packaging helps firms streamline the packaging design, eliminating unnecessary material from the processes and creating less packaging-related waste. Materials such as biodegradable plastics, plant-based plastics, and recycled products are used to develop sustainable packaging, making it possible for manufacturers and consumers to reduce the amount of waste being diverted to landfills and the ocean floor. 

For instance, molded fiber products, namely egg trays, fruit-and-vegetable trays, compostable plant holders, and wine shippers are made using biodegradable waste procured from recycling companies and individual households.

Sustainable Packaging is Unappealing to Consumers

Most commonly, when people think of sustainable packaging they envisage a dull brown or cream paper with visible reused fibers. However, technology has made it possible for design firms to come up with innovative packaging that harnesses powerful aesthetics and is environment-friendly at the same time. 

Many international brands and powerhouses such as Samsung, Zara, and Puma offer attractive packaging yet use 100 percent eco-friendly material, preserving the planet and its natural resources.

Want to learn more about sustainable packaging myths? Click here to read our in-depth blog post.  

Transitioning to Sustainable Packaging

While some companies are already fully onboard the sustainable packaging bandwagon, others are either on route to making the transition or have yet to make a firm decision on the matter.

For the companies already in existence, it’s about altering the course. Once you’ve committed to making the leap, it’s important to determine your ultimate goals. While the Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s criteria favor a circular economy (or closed loop, which relies on renewable energy), it’s by no means the only choice.

Another is to develop packaging with a linear lifecycle. There, packaging ultimately ends up as trash instead of biologically degrading. It can also be considered eco-efficient, depending on other production factors. It also means bigger short-term gains. The closed loop means more risk and long-term investment, but a higher potential payoff through legitimately sustainable packaging.

Here are some tips to help execute a proper sustainability strategy:

  • Get buy-in: Empower employees to take charge and get more emotionally invested in the outcome of the change in strategy. Businesses can also get buy-in from the public. Communicate the change in your corporate philosophy. Done right, it can only improve your image as a forward-thinking company.
  • Choose the right materials: It goes beyond selecting materials that are recyclable or even materials that are renewable. While renewable feedstocks are one sustainable direction in which to go, there are other things to consider. For example, how their functionality compares to that of traditional materials. “Sustainable” is great, but it means little if the packaging doesn’t do what it needs to.
  • Get to designing: It will be a long process, but thoroughly evaluating each required packaging component will go a long way toward ensuring an overall sustainable design. Simple ones, made from single materials without secondary and tertiary packaging, are easily disassembled and recyclable. That also means minimal glue when possible. Creating packaging that is reusable and multi-functional also wins market points from a sustainability perspective and with consumers.
  • Invest in quality control: Quality control processes are critical, especially when rolling out dramatically different packaging that can contribute to product spoilage. Automating quality control and eliminating proofing fatigue, human error, and errors in general, can also contribute to long-term sustainability.

Automation to Sustainability 

Automated quality control tools are indispensable assets for businesses striving to enhance their sustainable packaging processes. These tools, driven by cutting-edge technology offer multifaceted advantages that extend far beyond mere error correction. 

In the context of sustainable packaging, precision is paramount. This software meticulously scans through all packaging-related content, including labels, product descriptions, usage instructions, and promotional materials, ensuring that they are free from spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. By maintaining a high standard of accuracy, businesses reduce the likelihood of recalls, reprints, and costly product corrections, directly contributing to a more efficient and eco-friendly production process.

Automation to Sustainability

By preventing errors, reducing rework, and promoting sustainability, automated proofreading software helps minimize waste in the production process and optimize resource utilization. They aid in curbing the overuse of materials and energy while contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint associated with packaging. 

In the eyes of environmentally-conscious consumers, these efforts resonate as a genuine commitment to sustainability, ultimately enhancing a company’s brand reputation and its competitiveness in the market.

Automated quality control is not just about catching typos; it’s a vital enabler in a business’s journey toward sustainable packaging. The software streamlines operations, reduces costs, encourages green thinking, and helps businesses establish themselves as responsible actors in environmental protection and sustainability.  

As sustainable packaging gains increasing importance in today’s eco-conscious world, this technological solution is becoming an indispensable instrument for companies committed to both excellence and environmental consciousness. 

A Sustainable Future 

The global packaging and protective packaging market was valued at $1.0 trillion in 2021, and is projected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2031, which would result from steady year-over-year growth.

Innovation will logically end up being one driver of that valuation, just as it is currently in the manufactured goods sectors directly reliant on it. That’s simply the nature of a free-market economy in which consumers reward the cutting-edge.

As a result, it’s no longer a matter of going green. It’s arguably not even about going sustainable. It’s about striving to reach sustainability. As the exact definition of “sustainable” is a fast and moving target, it’s more a matter of taking steps towards attaining that goal.

In a period of just three years, the number of firms listed on the S&P 500 that included sustainability issues in their Securities and Exchange Commission filings increased from 5% to 25%. That in and of itself may not be a testament to how successful sustainability can be, but it is of how the times are becoming more eco-friendly.

A sustainable future

Joining in on the success means changing with the times, or, perhaps more accurately, adapting. Both customers and the companies behind the products they consume stand to benefit from the large-scale evolution of packaging, which is taking place right before our eyes.

If you would like to take a step into implementing sustainable packaging into your business, start by implementing smart, technological solutions that can easily help you get there. Automated quality control is a comprehensive solution that will not only streamline your proofreading and quality assurance processes, it will also help your business achieve true sustainability with far greater ease. 

Request a demo of our innovative proofreading software and see how this technology can revolutionize your every day, sustainable business practices. 

How Document Comparison Software Improves Customer Experiences and Builds Trust

Date: November, 2023 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

Imagine you are walking down the aisle at the drugstore and see a product that catches your eye. You pick it up to learn more about it only to find errors and inconsistencies on the packaging and labeling. How would you feel about the product? Would you trust that a company, that has so hastily brought this product to market, could actually produce effective and quality products?

Most likely, your interest in that product would completely diminish. What’s more, you most likely wouldn’t see yourself buying anything from that company and would question the legitimacy of its products.

This is because that one negative experience with that one product has led you to question your trust in the company and its whole production.  

Businesses constantly seek ways to enhance customer experiences and build trust with their clients. With many different approaches, methods, and platforms to help them achieve their goal, technological solutions have emerged as a powerful tool that can significantly transform how organizations operate and interact with their customers.

Document comparison software is one of those powerful tools that helps ensure the accuracy of all products that go out to market – from the inside out! 

Read on to explore how document comparison software is pivotal in revolutionizing customer experiences and fostering trust and brand loyalty. 

The Significance of Customer Experience and Trust

Customer Experience is defined as a positive customer experience and is the foundation of customer loyalty. When customers have smooth, hassle-free interactions with a brand, they are likelier to return and recommend the company to others. Customer experience encompasses all touchpoints and interactions a customer has with a business, including communication, service, and product quality.

Continuous positive experiences with a brand lead to trust and, ultimately, brand loyalty. Trust is critical to any successful business relationship, as customers need to trust that a certain company and brand will deliver on its promises, protect their data, and provide value. Trust is earned through consistent, transparent, and reliable interactions.

Building Customer Trust with Document Comparison Software

Document comparison software, a crucial software for regulated industries that deals with critical content, has been found to also be extremely beneficial in other sectors due to its transformative impact on customer experiences and trust-building. 

Here’s how this technology helps businesses achieve customer success:  

Optimizes the Revision Process 

Ensuring the accuracy of a product and its documentation is the first step to ensuring you are releasing a product that consumers will trust. This all happens during the revision stage of the product life cycle. 

Document comparison software meticulously analyzes multiple versions of documents, and provides a comprehensive view of differences between files. This level of scrutiny ensures that errors are caught early, and inconsistencies are swiftly rectified. 

The automated nature of document comparison software expedites the revision process, reducing the need for time-consuming manual inspections. Moreover, it facilitates collaboration among team members, allowing them to work concurrently on revisions while keeping track of all modifications. 

As a result, organizations can streamline their revision processes, increase productivity, and maintain document accuracy and consistency, ultimately saving time and resources to pursue higher-quality outcomes.

Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability

Inaccurate or outdated information can lead to customer frustration and erode trust. Document comparison software ensures that all customer-facing content, such as packaging, labeling, marketing materials, and other critical documentation is accurate and can be updated accordingly with complete ease, without potential errors slipping through. 

The use of document comparison software in quality assurance processes results in the reduction of errors and inconsistencies, and ultimately, reduces the potential for misinformation or miscommunication which could potentially foster mistrust in a company’s image.

Brings Trusted Products to Market Faster

The modern, fast-paced, global market leads consumers to expecting quick product releases, response to demand, and extremely fast service. Document comparison software accelerates document review and approval processes, enabling businesses to meet customer demands with speed and efficiency. 

By automatically detecting and highlighting differences between various versions of crucial documents, the software helps minimize errors and streamlines the review and approval process, reducing the need for time-consuming manual checks. 

Consequently, teams can make informed decisions swiftly, resolve discrepancies efficiently, and maintain compliance with industry standards, ultimately accelerating the product development cycle. In doing so, document comparison software not only enhances productivity but also instills confidence in the market, assuring consumers of the quality and reliability of the products they receive.

Document Comparison Software in the Real-World 

Document comparison software is an extremely valuable platform for regulated industries that need to ensure the complete accuracy of their products. However, it also benefits a wide range of industries that want to ensure a positive consumer experience and build a strong and trusted brand. 

Here is how document comparison software can benefit certain sectors:

  • Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare: It is estimated that over 50% of medication use errors are associated with poor labels. With such a high risk of error, pharmaceutical companies turn to document comparison tools to check sensitive documentation from how-to-use instructions, dosages, labels, and more. The software identifies discrepancies between versions, reducing the risk of compliance issues and regulatory fines. Moreover, this market is extremely fast-paced where time-to-market is crucial. Document comparison software expedites the review and approval process, allowing for faster decision-making and shorter time-to-market for new drugs and therapies.

  • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG): Much like pharmaceuticals, CPG companies work with highly regulated documentation where accuracy is paramount. Document comparison software ensures content such as packaging and product labeling compliance by meticulously inspecting ingredient lists, nutritional information, warning labels, and more. Moreover, in a highly competitive industry like CPG, it helps maintain brand consistency by ensuring that packaging and marketing materials remain uniform across product lines and geographic regions.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Marketing agencies often work on multiple iterations of content for campaigns, websites, and collateral. Document comparison software helps ensure consistency in messaging, branding, and design by quickly identifying any discrepancies between versions, minimizing the risk of errors in client deliverables and ultimately materials that go to print. Also, By automating the process, agencies save time that would otherwise be spent on manual proofreading and revisions. This efficiency not only reduces costs but also allows agencies to meet tight deadlines more effectively.

Ready to Strengthen Your Brand? 

Document comparison software is no longer just a niche tool; it’s a critical asset for any business looking to transform customer experiences and build trust. By promoting accuracy, streamlining communication, and optimizing processes, document comparison software empowers businesses to provide superior customer experiences that lead to long-lasting trust and loyalty. Embracing this technology is a strategic move for companies aiming to thrive in the digital age, where customer expectations are higher than ever before.

Looking to guarantee the trustworthiness of your brand? Take the first steps towards flawless customer experiences using GlobalVision’s state-of-the-art document comparison software. Begin experiencing the advantages of our cutting-edge software today.

An Introduction to Automated Quality Control

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

Terms like “audit,” “inspection,” and “quality control” are prevalent in any manufacturing business. The first one refers to analyzing manufacturing organizations and processes, whereas the second and third refer to any product-checking activity.

Generally, quality inspectors do this by following a pre-established list based on certain product specifications. In fact, any type of product can be inspected, starting with just the components used for the product to semi-finished ones and (most often) the finished product itself.

According to the ISO 2859 standard – which is derived from MIL-STD 105 E – quality inspection involves activities such as testing, gauging, examining, or measuring one or more product characteristics. 

These quality inspections are usually extremely time-consuming and tedious processes that leave little room for error, due to their critical nature of ensuring product quality and safety. 

Thankfully, automated quality control is a cutting-edge technological approach that revolutionizes the way industries ensure product excellence, utilizing advanced systems and algorithms to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and consistency throughout the manufacturing revision processes. 

Want to learn more about automation, proofreading, and quality control? Read more content from GlobalVision here!

Quality Inspections – Getting Started Early 

Quality inspections in any product lifecycle should begin early. 

Starting quality inspections early in the product development lifecycle is essential to minimize errors that may arise during any stage of manufacturing, including development, production, and delivery.

This is a critical concept for product developers since identifying and addressing errors as early as possible can help reduce costs significantly. 

Various studies have shown that there is a 1:10:100 cost/time ratio among the three manufacturing categories. This means that identifying and correcting a mistake during production is likely to cost ten times more, both in terms of time and money, then if it were caught during development.

Following the same ratio, an error will then cost 100 times more to fix if it actually reaches consumers. That’s why applying quality inspection at the end of the production line is a risky move that few major companies dare to take. Big, organized, and customer-oriented companies are now focusing on inspecting earlier to prevent catastrophic consequences and save resources.

Automated Quality Control as a Solution

In order to lower the risk of errors slipping through in all stages of the quality control process, businesses are turning to technology to increase the accuracy of their inspections. Automated quality control is a comprehensive solution that not only allows all differences and errors to be found in critical content, it also speeds up inspections saving businesses time and money. 

Businesses can use automated quality control to conduct digital inspections on both hardcopy samples and digital files. This eliminates the need for manual proofreading. By using automated quality control, users can compare sample files to approved content automatically and detect any discrepancies between the two immediately.

The role of automated quality control consists of both speeding up the proofreading process and improving the accuracy of content. To learn more about automated quality control read our detailed blog post here.

How Automated Quality Control Gets Products to Market Faster

Automated quality control technology helps businesses get products to market faster without compromising quality. By automating manual tasks that would otherwise take hours to complete, this technology speeds up the entire quality control process and significantly cuts down proofreading time. In turn, errors can be detected quickly and accurately as inefficiencies like fatigue and human error are eliminated.

Some benefits of implementing automation technology in your business’ quality control process include: 

Time benefits of automated quality control

  • Eliminates hours spent searching content for errors
  • Inspects files in seconds compared to hours spent manually proofreading
  • Automatically detect all types of errors at any stage of the process
  • Achieve faster turnaround times by accelerating approvals and reducing quality delays

Efficiency benefits of automated quality control

  • Easily compare two files to detect any differences between the two
  • Identify any touchpoints within your business that are prone to errors
  • Utilize time usually spent on proofreading to bring jobs to market faster

To find out more about how automated quality control speeds up product time to market, read our blog post. 

Automated Quality Control for Increased Efficiency 

Automated proofreading software simplifies workflow processes, leading to better, more efficient processes. In order to increase productivity in the workplace, practices need to be instilled that allow businesses to get tasks completed more quickly without compromising on the quality of the work.

The implementation of automated quality inspection will enable corporations to rely entirely on digital verification while almost completely reducing and eliminating the need for manual proofreading. 

Automated proofreading eliminates the need for overly complicated processes and simplifies to only a couple of steps. Once content is created, the software inspects the entire file looking for discrepancies in the master document and the print.

Errors will be identified within seconds, with the software pinpointing all differences in the document. All that’s left is for quality control teams to make the necessary corrections, and the content is ready to be printed and published.

The software also eliminates the need for large teams to overlook proofreading processes and brings it down to just a few people and the software. Proofreading times are also heavily decreased as the software thoroughly inspects all aspects of the document finding errors that would be extremely difficult to find through manual inspections, such as those of colour, graphic, and barcode deviations

Find out more about how you can increase efficiency with automated quality control here. 

Industry Benefits of Automated Quality Control 

Automated quality control presents many benefits for diverse industries operating within regulatory markets. It not only ensures stringent compliance with regulatory standards and guidelines it also efficiently detects deviations and errors, reducing the likelihood of non-compliance and associated penalties. 

Some industries that can extremely benefit from automated quality control include: 

Automation for Pharmaceuticals 

Automated quality control benefits pharmaceutical companies by ensuring accuracy, reducing errors, and speeding up processes. It helps meet regulatory standards, brings products to market faster, and provides valuable data for continuous improvement. 

Automated inspections for pharmaceuticals have become essential to the day-to-day affairs of companies wishing to attain the efficiency and error-free work that is demanded of them. In addition to the rigorous quality control implemented on the products themselves, it is important to ensure the compliance of packaging and labeling information.

If labels and packaging components are not up to the same quality standards as the products themselves, there could be detrimental consequences to both the brand and the consumer. In this article, we explore the numerous ways that automated packaging inspections can benefit the pharmaceutical industry.

Ensure the accuracy of your critical pharmaceutical content through automation. 

The Importance of Quality Inspection in Print and Packaging

Companies needing to print in bulk will find that having a quality inspection process is extremely beneficial. Print inspection systems can provide the assurance and quality control your company needs to minimize mistakes. They will also guarantee the delivery of consistent results that will enhance your brand’s image through error reduction.

In fact, the role of quality inspection systems becomes even more vital when dealing with offset commercial printers. Given that most printing presses operate at incredibly high speeds, irregularities in the final product are more than possible, if not mandatory. 

Quality inspection software in print and packaging – as opposed to manual inspection systems – provides the necessary accuracy to achieve consistent and flawless results on a regular basis.

Modern Solution for Prepress

Modern print inspection systems consist of advanced technology that links with your printing press or web rewinder to achieve exceptional results. It works by integrating vision systems (cameras), web viewers, and high-tech software that will catch any errors in time before they are printed in bulk.

Over the years, these quality inspection systems have been developing at a rapid pace. Nowadays, you can find multiple options online at very competitive prices. In fact, given that they require little to no maintenance, one of the key advantages of implementing these non-traditional tools is that you only need to make a one-time investment. Other benefits include ease of use and operation and the ability to have more control over your result.

Benefits of Automation for Creative Agencies

Quality control systems are essential to ensuring that no content errors affect the quality of campaigns and other projects.

Built to ensure the quality of work at all stages of the agency workflow, GlobalVision’s software eliminates inefficient and costly errors that can delay projects and negatively impact client satisfaction. Manual proofreading simply isn’t accurate enough to meet the defined standards that clients expect from their hired agencies, especially when multiple departments are involved.

The various divisions of a creative agency require standardization when it comes to quality control, which is where GlobalVision’s software comes in. From ensuring the accuracy of copies and vendor proofs to graphic and editorial consistency, automated quality control elevates your agency’s credibility and inspires confidence in your clients.

Everything you need to know about automated quality control for creative agencies is right here. 

The Role of Quality Control in Consumer Goods

Automated quality control has emerged as a game-changer for the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, revolutionizing the way manufacturers ensure product excellence. By leveraging advanced technologies like machine learning and computer vision, automated quality control streamlines and optimizes various aspects of production. 

It enhances accuracy and consistency in inspecting content, identifying defects, and monitoring the manufacturing process. 

With real-time data analysis, potential issues can be detected swiftly, reducing the risk of faulty products reaching consumers. This not only enhances overall product quality but also minimizes waste and recalls, resulting in cost savings for CPG companies. 

Furthermore, automation eliminates the need for extensive manual inspections, freeing up human resources for more strategic tasks, such as research and development, fostering innovation, and driving long-term growth in the industry. Overall, automated quality control empowers the CPG sector to deliver higher-quality products, bolster consumer trust, and maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic market landscape.

Automated Proofreading to Replace Obsolete Difference Checker Tools

According to official Food and Drug Administration numbers, the majority of product recalls are caused by labeling errors. How can companies accurately keep track of the quality of millions of products being packaged daily? It’s definitely a challenge, but that’s why proofreading is crucial in order to release products into the market with complete confidence.

Over the last 20 years, companies have come to realize that human inspection is inherently prone to error. There’s no arguing that, as safety regulations are continuously increasing, automated inspection has become the gold standard for the industry.

Early on, ”diff checker” and ”text compare” tools were the ultimate proofreading solution in the market, allowing for the comparison of characters between two documents and spotting changes in the text before they reach the printer to ensure data integrity.

With the advent of sophisticated machine vision systems and automated proofreading software, technology is progressively becoming more powerful, efficient, and easier to set up and use.

Modern text inspection tools can even generate progress reports, outlining all errors corrected for faster approval times. Meanwhile, plain old document comparison software continues to fall behind when it comes to innovation.

Read more about how automated proofreading is replacing obsolete difference checker tools. 

Automate Your Workflows for Success

Quality inspection is an essential part of every production line.

Those who do not understand how valuable they are, are not looking at the big picture. Money-wise, the cost of manufacturing a product extends far beyond the build cost, as it continues across its lifecycle, from support and delivery to warranty claims.

The one-time investment in quality inspection software can reduce future costs relating to customer support, warranty returns, and rejected or returned items. They can even add value to your company, as you’ll count on a competitive defense tool that will eventually pour more money into your pockets.

Ready to step into the world of automated quality control? Request a demo of our innovative proofreading software and see how this technology can revolutionize your everyday business practices. 

Transform your quality control processes with GlobalVision’s cloud-based quality inspection tool

A long and strenuous task, upgrading your brand is a complete journey but document comparison software is a solution that makes it that much easier.

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

In the world of design and communication, font plays a pivotal role in conveying the right message and aesthetics. 

Microsoft took note of this and recently made the significant decision to transform its brand through a typeface upgrade. They said goodbye to their old trusted friend, Calibri, and introduced a new default typeface, Bierstadt – now called Aptos. While this transition enhances and upgrades the visual appeal of the Microsoft brand, it also raises concerns about content errors that might arise due to the new typeface changes. 

Making big brand changes like these is never easy and as Microsoft notes, it’s quite intimidating changing a typeface that was used for 15 years. The fonts we saw on our screen for over a decade not only became a part of the brand’s visual identity but a part of the brand itself. 

A long and strenuous task, upgrading your brand is a complete journey but document comparison software is a solution that makes it that much easier. Not only does it prevent content errors, but it also ensures a seamless transition to new typefaces by automating a good deal of the proofreading process. 

The Importance of Upgrading Your Typeface 

Microsoft’s decision to transition to the Aptos font comes with a range of motivations. A refreshed font will give the company a more contemporary and uniform visual identity, aligning with modern design trends. 

Also, technology has changed significantly in the last 15 years, and the screens and computers we use today are far from what they used to be. This posed the need for a new font that was better suited to high-resolution screens and was sharp, modern, and an overall better fit for the sleek machines we use today. 

However, font and brand transitions can pose millions of challenges, particularly in maintaining content quality and accuracy. 

The shift in font styles can inadvertently introduce formatting discrepancies, typographical errors, and inconsistencies that could affect the overall user experience. This is where document comparison software steps in to maintain content integrity.

The Role of Document Comparision Software

Document comparison software, like GlobalVision, offers an advanced solution to ensure the smooth implementation of font transitions while preserving content quality. 

Here are some key ways in which it can help:

Error Detection: Document comparison software is designed to identify various types of errors, including text, spelling, image, graphics, color, print, and more. Regarding font changes –  spelling mistakes, grammar errors, punctuation errors, and formatting inconsistencies are more common issues. These errors can easily go unnoticed due to letter shape and size differences. Document comparison software’s algorithms can detect these errors regardless of font style, making it an indispensable tool in maintaining content accuracy.

Consistency Check: Maintaining consistent terminology and style is crucial during font transitions. Document comparison software detects errors and ensures that your content adheres to specific guidelines and style preferences. This is particularly important for brands that want to uphold their image consistently across various communication materials.

Efficiency: Document comparison software significantly accelerates the review process. Manually combing through content to identify errors and inconsistencies can be time-consuming and prone to human oversight. Document comparison software automates this process, allowing your team to focus on more creative and strategic tasks during your brand’s upgrade.

Adaptability: Document comparison software adapts effortlessly in the case of a font transition. It recognizes that the font has changed and evaluates the content based on the new typography, reducing the likelihood of overlooking errors due to the font switch.

Seamless Brand Transitions with Document Comparison Software

GlobalVision, a leading document comparison software, offers a comprehensive solution for businesses undergoing font transitions like Microsoft’s shift to Aptos. 

Here’s how this innovation in quality inspection software it can make the process seamless:

Comprehensive Content Inspections: GlobalVision’s advanced algorithms run comprehensive checks of files and documents. This allows the software to identify any and all errors across critical content which include various fonts. This also ensures that content remains error-free even after a typeface change.

Customizable Inspections: The software allows users to set specific guidelines and rules for content quality inspections, ensuring consistency and adherence to brand standards throughout the transition.

High Volume Inspections: GlobalVision enables batch processing, making reviewing large volumes of content effortless during any transition period. A crucial feature as seemingly infinite amounts of content will need to be proofread to ensure new changes are updates have been made. 

Effortless Collaboration: The software supports collaboration among team members, allowing them to review and approve content changes collaboratively, thus expediting the entire process.

Ensure Your Brands Integrity 

Typeface or font transitions are necessary and exciting aspects of brand and design evolution, but they must be approached with caution to maintain content quality, accuracy, and, ultimately your brand’s image. 

While it’s a heavy and time-consuming task, upgrading your brand’s image is necessary to maintain relevance in the market and stay competitive. Document comparison software can play a vital role in this process, offering a reliable solution to detect errors, ensure consistency, and make seamless brand guideline transitions. 

As companies, designers, and brands embrace changes to refresh their visual identities, the integration of a comprehensive solution such as document comparison software becomes crucial to uphold content integrity in the midst of change.

Looking to guarantee the consistency and accuracy of your brand? Take the first steps towards flawless content and accelerated time-to-market using GlobalVision’s state-of-the-art document comparison software. Begin experiencing the advantages of our cutting-edge software today.

Our cutting-edge technology brings unmatched accuracy and speed in proofreading of critical content, ensuring compliance success every step of the way. For Inova Pharma, it has allowed them to take full ownership of quality reviews and ensure seamless product launches as well.

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

About iNova Pharmaceuticals

iNova Pharmaceuticals is a global organization dedicated to the development, marketing, and distribution of a diverse range of prescription medications and consumer health products. Operating across Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa, iNova serves over 20 countries internationally. 

With a team of 550 professionals spanning three continents, their goal is to provide trusted products that improve people’s health and well-being. Their diverse product portfolio includes weight management, cough and cold remedies, health supplements, dermatology, sun care, and female health products. Their products have established a legacy of over 50 years, earning a prominent place in countless family medicine cabinets.

iNova Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to delivering effective and high-quality pharmaceuticals manufactured in accordance with the most stringent international standards.

The Challenge: Overcome Inefficient Outsourcing and Complicated Revision Workflows  

In late 2017, quality teams at iNova Pharmaceuticals underwent organizational changes that allowed them to bring more control into their quality assurance processes, eliminating the need for outsourced third parties and complicated revision workflows. 

Artwork management in particular was a main area of focus. At the time, teams at iNova were working with an external studio that managed most of their artwork processes. While the studio provided a tool that allowed iNova to complete product or artwork reviews online, the tool was not managed by them directly, giving them little control over the process. 

To resolve this issue, Phil Sami, Group Operations Improvement Director was given the task to create an artwork process and workflow that was consistent and streamlined across all three regions of the organization. 

What he soon discovered was GlobalVision’s innovative proofreading software. The implementation of the system in early 2018 would allow them to bring back ownership of their revision and quality assurance processes internally and allow them to have total control of all their artwork pieces as well as changes and revisions. 

“GlobalVision is a great software to compare the print proofs and perform quality checks of the artworks.”

  • Diwas Malla, Senior Quality Assurance Associate

The Solution: Take Ownership of Quality Reviews and Ensure Seamless Product Launches with GlobalVision 

Through GlobalVision’s proofreading software, quality teams at iNova Pharmaceuticals were able to ease collaboration and once again take back ownership of their artwork management workflows. This implementation allowed them to ensure first-hand the accuracy of their files which ultimately led to faster and higher quality revisions as well as increase their overall speed-to-market for new product launches. 

Phil Sami notes that besides the additional capabilities and features that allowed the company to enhance their revision workflows while ensuring compliance, a key factor in choosing GlobalVision was that the software was FDA-approved and it was difficult to find alternatives that offered compliance packages required by pharmaceutical industry software providers. GlobalVision was the comprehensive solution for their everyday quality assurance needs and stood out as the market leader. 

“GlobalVision has been vital in artwork development as it helps pick up the tiniest of errors and differences both within text and graphics. It also saves so much time by not having to do manual proofreading.”

  • Praenisha Ramnath, Pharmacovigilance & Compliance Manager

He adds that a majority of the users are in the company’s Quality department and that the software is primarily used in the following manner: 

  • The software is used daily to run approvals of artwork that is at the final print-proof stage. A review of what external manufacturers send is done to ensure those proofs can go to production, ultimately ensuring a swift time-to-market for products. 
  • It is used to verify barcodes and ensure they are accurate and compliant. This is a critical feature for iNova’s quality team as products are not accepted if the barcodes do not pass the strict compliance regulations required by global health authorities. 
  • As artwork is sent to manufacturers and other departments, seamless team collaboration is key. GlobalVision allows quality teams and artwork planners to do quick yet accurate reviews before they send files off throughout the content lifecycle. 

“GlobalVision has been tremendously useful in decoding barcode values hence ensuring we deliver our products with GS1-compliant barcodes to our customers”

  • Gregory Pecsenya, Artwork Planner

Another crucial feature for iNova Pharmaceuticals is the software’s ability to select specific areas of a file that need to be inspected, namely, the Zoning Tool. GlobalVision allows users to pinpoint exact areas of a file, whether text or graphics, allowing for more detailed and precise inspections. 

Phil adds that this feature is particularly beneficial when working on files in foreign languages. As iNova distributes products to markets globally, quality teams must work on files in languages and alphabets that are not native to them. The Zoning Tool allows for granular inspections of foreign content and more accurate visual inspections of graphic components within seconds.

Conclusion: iNova Pharmaceutical Revolutionizes Revision Workflows

Since 2018, quality and artwork teams at iNova have been reaping the many benefits of GlobalVision and their revision processes have become unimaginable without the market-leading proofreading software. As they are consistently reviewing and improving their quality control processes, iNova Pharmaceuticals is in the process of implementing GlobalVision’s newest innovation in cloud-based proofreading software, Verify, to further drive speed and accuracy in their proofreading processes.

As Verify is integrated with Veeva, another system used by iNova Pharmaceuticals, teams predict that this implementation will save additional time, approximately 2-3 min per piece of artwork, as switching between the different platforms will no longer be needed.  

In the future, iNova Pharmaceuticals plans to continue to work alongside GlobalVision, implementing and updating its software and workflows to ensure the highest quality products they have become known for, all the while guaranteeing customer satisfaction and loyalty for many more years to come. 

Take the first step towards error-free content and quicker time-to-market with GlobalVision’s automated proofreading software. Start reaping the benefits of automated quality control today.

Date: April, 2023 | CategoryProofreading Author: Hana Trokic

GlobalVision’s latest and most innovative cloud-based proofreading technology just got an upgrade. Verify 2023.2 is now live! 

With this latest release, users can expect a heightened and more streamlined automated proofreading experience. This upgraded version comes equipped with new features and capabilities that not only enhance the user experience but also improve the accuracy and efficiency of quality inspections. Verify 2023.2 ensures a seamless and user-friendly proofreading experience while delivering superior results.

Innovation in Proofreading Software

GlobalVision has devoted significant effort in recent years to developing Verify, a state-of-the-art cloud-based proofreading solution designed for regulated industries. This innovative technology has been widely adopted by pharmaceutical companies, consumer goods brands, and agencies seeking to streamline their proofreading processes.

Verify’s automated proofreading platform promotes efficient work processes and enables the creation of higher-quality content in record time. Its advanced features and capabilities make it a best-in-class solution for companies striving to optimize their proofreading efforts.

What Does Verify 2023.2 Bring?

One of the most noteworthy enhancements of Verify 2023.2 is its improved text inspection accuracy. The Text Inspection 2 algorithm has been improved to deliver superior inspection quality and accuracy, resulting in a smoother, more seamless proofreading experience for users. Verify 2023.2 also brings the addition of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which will be available for a group of select users. 

Here is a detailed overview of what Verify 2023.2 brings: 

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) available to select customers:

  • OCR allows users to inspect flattened text on documents such as promotional material screenshots and supplier proofs by converting the digital image into a readable text format. 

Spell Check Improvement:

  • Ability to whitelist certain special characters in Custom Dictionaries

Several Text Inspection 2 algorithm issues have been resolved, including:

  • False positives related to underlined differences decreased by 86% on average
  • Duplicated differences showing in the Results Panel
  • Differences not being displayed in the right order in the Results Panel
  • Non-completion of certain inspections

Who Can Benefit From This Release?

While Verify caters to regulatory affairs and promotional teams across all industries, it offers significant advantages to those working in enterprise-level pharmaceuticals and consumer packaged goods.

With the addition of OCR, an otherwise high-demand feature for brands and agencies, Verify will also be extremely beneficial for marketing and advertising industries as well as promotional departments in regulated industries specifically.

Whether you are part of a creative or technical team, Verify 2023.2 is guaranteed to improve your proofreading and revision processes. Our user-friendly and comprehensive platform provides ease of use, convenience, and simplicity, making it a crucial resource for professionals across industries.

A Heightened Proofreading Experience 

With Verify 2023.2, users can expect to experience a heightened proofreading experience through many Text Inspection 2 enhancements and the addition of Optical Character Recognition.

Its advanced features and capabilities make it a powerful resource for companies seeking to streamline their proofreading efforts and increase their quality control processes. Through constant innovation, Verify 2023.2 ensures a seamless and user-friendly proofreading experience, delivering superior inspection results. 

If you are interested in a more personalized overview of Verify, request a demo here or take advantage of a free trial to discover how Verify can specifically benefit your team’s quality control processes.


Related Resources: 

Hero Group Case Study Banner

Date: April, 2023 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

About Hero Group 

Hero Group is an international consumer food manufacturing company whose core business focuses on baby food along with nutritional snack foods and spreads. Based in Switzerland, it was founded in 1886 in Lenzburg and has since grown into a worldwide enterprise. They currently have offices and production facilities spread across five continents including Europe, North America, the Middle East and Africa, and Turkey and Central Asia. 

Their mission is to provide customers with high-quality, nutritious food while using only the best ingredients. Hero Group prides itself on products with fewer, more natural ingredients prepared with minimum processing. 

Today, Hero Group employs 4,300 employees worldwide and in 2015, generated revenues surpassing CHF 1.26 billion. 

The Challenge: Overcome the Limitations of Manual Checks on a Global Scale

As Hero Group deals primarily with baby and natural food products, their products fall under a heavily regulated umbrella that has to adhere to the highest standards. 

Any errors that slip through in critical content files or artwork could lead to food recalls, financial losses, a decrease in brand loyalty, or in the worst-case scenario, consumer health risks. All these issues could be detrimental to the company and oftentimes difficult to reverse.

Francisco Tomás López Ramírez, Packaging Lab Manager at Hero Group’s Spain division, gave us in-depth insights into the issues their quality control teams were facing with regard to their revision processes. He noted that teams consistently noticed a gap in their inspections due to the many limitations of manual, visual checks. 

“Visual checks have limitations due to human factors. In some cases, printed errors in designs weren’t detected in earlier checks allowing them to slip through.”

  • Francisco Tomás López Ramírez, Packaging Lab Manager, at Hero Spain

Despite numerous rounds of manual proofreading, errors in text and graphics were slipping through due to human factors, which often lead to mistakes being overlooked. Manual and visual checks often failed to catch all differences in labeling and packaging, particularly when it came to graphic files where errors can be easily missed by the human eye. This emphasized the setbacks of relying solely on human checks to ensure accuracy. 

Due to these limitations, quality control teams at Hero Spain quickly realized that there was a necessity to automate the proofing of their printed designs and graphics. 

The Solution: Eliminate Human Error Through Automated Quality Control 

After several years of looking for an automated inspection system, in 2021, Hero Spain decided to test GlobalVision’s inspection technology. The results of the inspections showed that it was very much possible to automatically proofread and inspect files with few false positives and in record time. 

Since then, Hero Spain was quick to implement GlobalVision into their everyday quality control processes and use the software as an added quality control measure for their graphic files. In their day-to-day operations, it is used to look over design changes to ensure final graphics are completely error-free. At the moment, the Packaging Lab is the primary department using GlobalVision for its inspections. 

Throughout the years, Hero Spain observed numerous advantages of using GlobalVision’s file comparison technology but has particularly noted three main benefits of the software: 

  • Automated inspections of printed graphics that prevent human errors from slipping through
  • Fully automated inspections of artwork files in foreign languages (Chinese, Swedish, etc.).      
  • Innovative and modern solutions to their quality control processes

When asked if he was satisfied with the system, training, support, and ease of use of GlobalVision’s software, Mr. López said that he was “highly satisfied” and that he has “already recommended the system to our quality colleagues in Hero Group.” The main benefit he boasts about is that it is a feasible system to control artwork files and avoid human errors and factors.

“I’m extremely satisfied with GlobalVision. I’ve already recommended the system to our quality colleagues in Hero Group!”

  • Francisco Tomás López Ramírez, Packaging Lab Manager, at Hero Spain

With 527 files successfully inspected in 2022, Hero Spain has seen an overall improvement in their graphic and packaging accuracy, a decrease in errors, and an increase in the quality of their packaging and food safety. They expect to increase that number in the coming years to continue to better their offer of only the most premium products. 

He also went on to add that not only have internal teams noticed the benefits of implementing GlobalVision but clients have also been impacted. Clients have taken note of the added efforts taken by Hero Spain to ensure the high quality of their products.

When asked what they would do if GlobalVision were to hypothetically no longer be available, Mr. López said they would be at a loss as they simply cannot imagine going back to manual, visual checks in their quality control processes. 

If your organization also wants to reap the many benefits of GlobalVision’s automated proofreading technology, request a free demo here and begin streamlining your quality control processes today!


Related Resources 

  • Find out more about GloblVision’s innovative proofreading technology here
  • See how GlobalVision has helped top industry leaders release products with confidence here. 

Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

Keep up with the latest updates in automated proofreading software. Sign up for our newsletter.

How to Master FDA Labeling Requirements: Your Comprehensive Guide is Here Blog Banner

Date: April, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

For highly regulated industries, it’s crucial to understand and comply with the labeling requirements set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, navigating through complex regulations can be overwhelming, especially when guidelines are subject to constant and abrupt changes.

Thankfully, GlobalVision helps you to stay one step ahead of all regulations through our latest eBook, “Your Complete Guide to Meeting FDA Labeling Requirements.” 

This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights into FDA labeling requirements and ensures your organization not only thoroughly understands labeling guidelines, but also sets best practices in place to consistently meet FDA labeling requirements with complete ease. 

A Comprehensive Guide to FDA Labeling

From outlining requirements for specific products to detailing the formatting and content requirements for labels, our guide covers all crucial elements of labeling guidelines. We’ve distilled information into an easy-to-read format, complete with examples, statistics, infographics, and more to help you understand guidelines and apply them to your everyday quality assurance workflows. 

Our eBook covers the following: 

  • FDA labeling guidelines for medical devices, drugs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food, and obstacles that arise when trying to maintain compliance
  • How to meet all FDA labeling requirements with complete ease while ensuring the complete accuracy of your labels
  • How regulated industries can implement best FDA labeling practices through automated quality control, including real-life case studies from industry-leading companies

FDA Officially Declared Plant-Based “Milk”, Milk 

Just how quickly do FDA labeling requirements change? Taking notes from the recent cow milk vs. plant “milk” labeling battle, we can say, they can change overnight.

Back in 1973, the FDA defined milk as “the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows.” In other words, milk, the original energy drink that we’ve known and loved for years, had to come from a lactating animal.

Fast forward to 2023 and things have drastically changed. The rise in vegan and plant-based diets has led to an overall shift in consumer behavior resulting in the growing need for a new, previously untapped market—offering alternative options to traditionally animal-derived products.

In recent years, this major pivot towards plant-based alternatives has slowly turned dairy aisles into everything but. Oat, soy, rice, coconut, cashew, hazelnut, and hemp are just a few alternatives that were labeled as “milk”. 

Because of this, for years, dairy farmers and plant-based milk manufacturers saw themselves in a bitter fight over the name of their products. With the rising popularity of milk alternatives, dairy farmers have insisted that allowing these drinks to be labeled as “milk” is misleading. Up until recently, they were right. These plant-based alternatives weren’t legally allowed to be advertised as milk and had to be labeled as anything but to get an FDA stamp of approval.

Finally, as a true sign of the times, in February 2023, it became official. The FDA ruled that plant-based milk alternatives can use the term “milk” and millions of plant-milk manufacturers first rejoiced, and then found themselves in a flurry as they quickly needed to update their labels to reflect the new FDA guideline. 

Keeping Up with FDA Labeling Requirements 

The “milk” vs. milk case, is just one example of how FDA labeling requirements can change in an instant. These unexpected and often abrupt changes make keeping up with FDA guidelines anything but easy. The added worry of ensuring compliance to avoid costly fines, recalls, and potential harm to consumers is also an everyday obstacle for those in regulated industries.  

Having a comprehensive guide that outlines all guidelines is a one-stop solution for relegated industries that want to ease these processes and alleviate the risks that come with errors in labeling and packaging. Our guide helps businesses navigate all these guidelines and more while streamlining proofreading and quality control processes, guaranteeing accurate, safe, and legal products that are ready for market and consumer use. 

Whether you work in medical devices, drugs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, or food, GlobalVision’s eBook is sure to provide the information and answers needed to help your business stay compliant. Your Complete Guide to Meeting FDA Labeling Requirements is the ultimate resource for ensuring your products meet regulatory standards.

Don’t risk noncompliance with FDA labeling requirements – download our guide and start implementing best proofreading practices today.


Related Articles:

Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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RCount - The Next-Generation Automated Counting System

Date: February, 2023 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

The next-generation automated counting system is here.

Built specifically for regulated industries, RCount by GlobalVision is the market-leading automated counting system and technology that ensures compliance and traceability of sensitive materials. Your teams can now count your critical assets with 100% accuracy in record time.  

This next generation in automated counting is a product of GlobalVision’s RVision department – one of our engineering departments focused on developing and innovating hardware solutions to solve long-standing industry challenges using the latest technologies available. 

The RCount is the next generation of our legacy system the “iCount” and brings new upgrades and capabilities that previously were not available. You can now confidently count larger batches of your cartons, inserts, leaflets, or vials with higher precision and efficiency. 

The latest upgrade of GlobalVision’s first-ever product, the RCount has been meticulously developed from the ground up with the purpose of helping regulated industries count their critical assets.

In the last 30 years, this automated counting system has been consistently and refined to ensure users always meet market and consumer demand, in record time, all the while enjoying a seamless end-user experience and state-of-the-art design and technology.  

The Benefits of Automated Counting Software 

To achieve complete confidence in the accuracy of their counts, reduce their margin of error, and ensure that their counting processes are streamlined and efficient, regulated industries need to turn to technology to keep up with growing consumer and market demands.

With increasing amounts of products being developed and produced, manually counting critical assets is simply not an option for industries that need to ensure the utmost quality and accuracy of their products. 

What’s more, highly regulated industries in particular have very little room for error and must ensure that final counts of their critical assets are accurate. Automated counting software like the RCount not only guarantees completely accurate counts but also ensures that final products and packages are completely compliant without any missing assets or documentation. 

The results are a more streamlined product development and production process and an overall more streamlined revision cycle for quality assurance teams in regulated industries.

Eliminate Errors Through Automated Counting Software 

RCount is a fully automated counting system that uses advanced technology to accurately count critical assets in record time. 

With 100% accuracy, teams can now use RCount to count batches of up to 700 items in mere seconds. Its predecessor, the iCount was only able to count batches of up to 350 items, which is a testament to the improvements and advancements of this next-generation automated counting system.        

The new RCount is camera-based, using a high-resolution camera with high-precision sensors to offer only the most accurate counts. The camera resolution on the RCount has increased from two to 20 megapixels and the lighting has been enhanced to a new LED. These enhancements result in a better, more intuitive design and provide more evenly distributed lighting over the counting region.

RCount can detect and count your critical assets with extreme ease, speed, and 100% accuracy. Currently, no other counter is available on the market, making this truly an authentic and innovative technology.

This state-of-the-art technology is designed to revolutionize the way regulated industries count their critical assets, particularly the following:

  • Carton counting 
  • Vial counting 
  • Leaflet counting 
  • Insert counting 

Technology That’s Easy to Use 

In addition to its efficiency and accuracy, the RCount automated counting system is also very easy to use. With a user-friendly and straightforward interface, teams in regulated industries can quickly install the system and start counting their critical assets almost immediately, improving workflows with little to no set-up or training downtime.

Regardless of industry, the RCount automated counting machine is sure to immensely improve quality control processes. Teams working in the following can particularly benefit from its state-of-the-art technology:

Optimize Your Counting Processes 

Scale tedious and time-consuming counting processes by leveraging the power of automated counting technology today. 

An automated counting system is a valuable asset for businesses in all regulated industries that deal with sensitive products that need to be counted with precision. With its advanced technology, RCount will help increase the efficiency, accuracy, and productivity of your quality control processes. 

Contact us to learn more about this innovative new product or request a personalized demo of RCount to see how it can specifically help your team prosper.


Related Articles:

Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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FDA Labeling Requirements Pillar Post Banner Image

Date: February, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets strict labeling requirements and guidelines for food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices to name a few. The goal of these rules and regulations is to ensure that consumers have accurate and complete information about the products they purchase and consume.  

These guidelines cover everything from product ingredients and information, to labeling and packaging requirements. It’s important for manufacturers and distributors to understand and comply with these regulations to avoid potential legal and financial downfalls along with ensuring the complete safety of the consumer. 

This post will provide an overview of the FDA’s labeling requirements for specific markets and offer resources on how to stay FDA compliant.

Want to learn more about compliance, proofreading, and quality control? Read more content from GlobalVision here!

What is the FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration, otherwise known as the FDA, is responsible for protecting public and consumer health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and more.

A federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and approving new foods, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices before they are sold to the public
  • Inspecting companies that make and distribute food, cosmetics, drugs, and medical devices
  • Monitoring the safety of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices after they have been approved and are on the market
  • Providing information to the public about the safety and effectiveness of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices
  • Regulating the labeling and advertising of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices
  • Enforcing laws that protect consumers from unsafe or misbranded products

What are FDA Labeling Requirements?

FDA Labeling Requirements Pillar Post

FDA labeling requirements are guidelines and regulations set for the labeling of food, drug, cosmetics, and medical device products. 

These guidelines ensure that consumers have accurate and complete information about the products they purchase. 

The FDA labeling requirements cover a wide range of information, including:

  • Packaging and labeling requirements for specific products.
  • Ingredient list
  • Health claims and nutrient content claims
  • Warning statements where applicable 
  • Nutrition information for food labeling 
  • Allergens

Manufacturers and distributors must thoroughly understand and comply with all FDA labeling requirements to ensure a safe and reliable product along with getting their products to market faster. They also need to keep updated with FDA regulations as they change over time and manufacturers want to ensure the consistent compliance of their products. 

Historical Context of FDA Labeling Requirements

The history of FDA labeling requirements goes back to the late 19th century when the U.S. government first began to regulate the safety and purity of food and drugs. The first federal food and drug law, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, was passed in response to public concern about the safety of food and drugs that were being sold across state lines. 

This law required that food and drugs be labeled with accurate information about their contents and prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated products

Over the years, the FDA has continued to update and strengthen its labeling regulations to keep pace with advances in science and technology, as well as changes in consumer preferences. 

For example, in the 1960s, the FDA introduced regulations requiring that food labels include nutritional information. In the 1990s, the FDA began to require that food labels list the presence of major food allergens.

The most recent major update to the FDA’s labeling regulations came in 2016 when the agency issued the final rule for the Nutrition Fact Label for packaged foods. This rule, which went into effect in 2020, requires that food labels list the amount of added sugars and gives manufacturers the option to declare the amount of potassium and vitamin D in their products.

In addition to these, the FDA also has updated regulations for different products like dietary supplements, cosmetics, medical devices, tobacco, and others.

FDA Labeling Requirements for Different Markets 

FDA labeling requirements vary from market, product, and commodity. Each product, depending on its intention of use, has its own set of requirements that manufacturers need to follow. 

The FDA differentiates between markets so that proper instructions and specific requirements can be given to ensure consumer and product safety and avoid recalls, and potential financial losses.     

The main markets that will be analyzed in this post are: 

  • FDA labeling requirements for medical devices
  • FDA labeling requirements for drugs
  • FDA cosmetics labeling requirements
  • FDA labeling requirements for food 

Following FDA requirements is complicated. We make it easy. 

Keep up with the latest in compliance, quality control, and proofreading by signing up for our newsletter

FDA Labeling Requirements for Medical Devices 

Medical devices can range from simple to complex. Regardless of its complexity, there is a constant amongst them all. They all need to be tested and approved to meet FDA requirements and compliance. 

Types of Medical Devices and Their Regulations 

A medical device can range from the simplest household item found in everyone’s pantry, like a band-aid, to more complex technology like an x-ray machine. Regulatory authorities globally have put into place risk classifications that group devices into categories based on their potential harm if misused, the complexity of the device, and certain use characteristics. 

These classifications are essential to ensure safety and ease the marketing and placement of devices. It also sets a standard for testing where officials know, according to classification, how much testing a device needs to undergo to be deemed safe and ready for patient use. 

Medical Device Classification 

In the United States, the FDA has classified medical devices into three categories based on the level of control needed to ensure the safety of use. The classifications are: 

  • Class I – Low risks: Includes devices such as bandages, toothbrushes, floss, and hospital beds. Only requires general controls.
  • Class II – Medium Risk: Includes contact lenses, pregnancy tests, and catheters. Requires general controls as well as pre-market notifications 
  • Class III – High Risk: Includes respirators, prosthetics, and pacemakers. Requires all general controls along with special controls and pre-market approval. 

Regulations and Standardizations 

Regardless of their classification, it’s important that all medical devices adhere to a certain set of regulations and standardizations. Much like pharmaceuticals, medical devices are treated with similar rigor and are highly regulated. 

The FDA offers a detailed overview of all the regulations devices need to follow in order to be deemed fit for use by the general public. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sets the standards and convenes them for ease of implementation in the industry.

Some regulations that are put in place for medical devices include: 

  • Establishment registration 
  • Medical device listing 
  • Pre-Market notification 
  • Pre-Market approval 
  • Quality system regulation 
  • Labeling 
  • Medical device reporting 

Labels and Labeling 

The FDA defines a label as a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container of any article” or “all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter.”  

As such, labels are the first point of contact for information for many medical practitioners, patients, and consumers, and need to be accurate to avoid confusion or life-threatening consequences.  

The FDA breaks down label regulations for medical devices and clearly defines them by the following: 

  • General device labeling 
  • Use of symbols 
  • Unique device identification 
  • Good manufacturing practices 
  • General electronic products 

These regulations are in place to primarily ensure that the products and devices in question are being used as they are intended and that the safety of those using them is guaranteed. 

For an in-depth look at how you can comply with FDA labeling requirements for medical devices, read our thorough blog post here. 

FDA Drug Labeling Requirements

For highly regulated industries like pharmaceuticals, following FDA drug labeling requirements is one of the most crucial aspects of the product lifecycle

The accuracy of drug labels ensures that patients and consumers are being given proper instructions and dosages of a prescribed drug. Label accuracy also ensures that pharmaceutical companies avoid life-threatening side effects for their consumers, large recalls, and colossal financial downfalls. 

The Highly Regulated Pharmaceutical Industry 

When it comes to drug labeling, the FDA’s primary purpose and concern are to ensure patient safety and provide healthcare professionals with information about the drug and how it should be prescribed. 

Some of the FDA’s drug label requirements include

  • Highlights (a concise summary of label information)
  • Full prescribing information
  • Recent Major Changes 
  • Indications and Usage 
  • Dosage & Administration 
  • Dosage Forms & Strengths 
  • Contraindications 
  • Warnings & Precautions 
  • Adverse Reactions (listing of most common adverse reactions) 
  • Drug Interactions 

For more information about the importance of FDA drug labeling requirements, read our comprehensive blog post

FDA Cosmetic Labeling Requirements 

All cosmetics marketed globally must comply with provisions set by the governing body of that specific country or region. In the United States, the FDA is responsible for regulating cosmetic labeling with the main goal of ensuring consumer safety and avoiding fraudulent and deceptive statements. 

What are Cosmetics? 

The FDA defines cosmetics as “articles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions.

Some products that fall under this category include creams, lotions, perfumes, make-up, shampoos, toothpaste, and deodorants.

While it may seem clear what cosmetics are, manufacturers need to be careful when creating, labeling, and marketing their cosmetic products to ensure they fit under the FDA’s definition and regulations. 

If not appropriately labeled, some claims may cause a product to fall under the category of a drug, in which case it has to undergo a set of regulations that differ significantly from cosmetics. 

Though sometimes lines can be blurred, manufacturers must understand the difference between cosmetics and drugs and label their products accordingly to avoid potential complications, fines, and recalls. 

Cosmetic Labeling 

Cosmetic products distributed in the United States must comply with all label regulations established by the FDA. Labels are otherwise considered all written, printed, or graphic matter on or accompanying a product.  

The FDA requires that all label statements appear on the inside and outside of the packaging and wrapping. 

It is also important to note that false and misleading claims and wrongly labeled products that do not follow FDA cosmetic labeling requirements and regulations may be subject to regulatory action. 

How to Correctly Label Cosmetics

To ensure the proper placement of cosmetics on the market and that consumers use them appropriately, manufacturers need to take note of adequate labeling requirements and adhere to them as strictly as possible. 

A cosmetic label must contain the following

  • Product identity
  • Net contents 
  • Declaration of Ingredients
  • Label warnings

If you want to learn all about FDA cosmetic labeling requirements and how to meet them with complete ease, read our detailed blog post.

FDA Labeling Requirements for Food

Food labels have very defined rules regarding how they should be placed on packages and containers. 

General Food Labeling Requirements

Generally speaking, there are two ways to label food: 

  1. Place all required label statements on the front of the label panel.
  2. Place certain specified label statements on the principal display panel (PDP, or the part of a food label that is most likely to be displayed to the customer when for sale – the front label on a product) and other labeling on the information panel. 

No matter the food product, the PDP must display specific information critical for consumers. This includes the food name and the net quantity statement. Food must also include the information panel, which is usually placed to the right of the PDP.  

The information panel refers to statements that are generally required to be placed together. They usually include information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, ingredient list, nutrition labeling, and allergy labeling. 

It is also important to note that label standardizations must be followed to ensure consistent and easy-to-read labels. 

The FDA requires that you use a prominent print size and that the font is clear and legible through specified letter height. Additional formatting is also detailed in FDA guidelines to ensure that text is easy to read on different backgrounds and artwork. 

Manufacturers must also ensure that all of their food labels contain the following: 

  • Name of food 
  • Net quantity of contents statements 
  • Ingredients list 
  • Food allergen labeling 
  • Nutrition labeling 
  • Nutrition content claims 

Want to take a deep dive into FDA food labeling requirements? We have the blog post just for you.

How to Meet FDA Labeling Requirements

Regardless of the food, drug, cosmetic, or medical device you want to send out to market, there are constants among them all that help ensure their safety and quality. 

Best Practices for Preparing Labels for FDA Review

There are several best practices for preparing labels for FDA review:

  • Ensure that the label accurately reflects the contents of the product and that it meets all legal requirements for labeling.
  • Include all required information, such as the product’s name, ingredients, and nutritional information when needed.
  • Provide detailed information about the product, including how to use it, storage instructions, and any other relevant information.
  • Make sure that any health or safety claims are supported by scientific evidence and are not misleading.
  • Provide allergen information, if any, on the packaging when needed.
  • Use clear and conspicuous language that is easy to read and understand.
  • Use appropriate formatting and layout to make the label easy to read, including using contrasting colors and appropriate font sizes.
  • Make sure that the label is consistent with any advertising or promotional materials for the product.
  • Provide contact information for the manufacturer or distributor, such as address, phone number, or website.

The Importance of Label Accuracy 

When we look at highly regulated products such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical devices, the first thing our eyes go to, is the label. This is where we know we will find all the information needed about that said product. 

The information stated on that very piece of content determines whether or not a consumer will find the product suitable and reliable enough to purchase and use. Because of this, the accuracy of labels should be of high priority. 

Label accuracy is crucial as it details the products:

  • Safety: Accurate labels ensure that consumers are aware of any potential hazards or allergies associated with the product, which can help prevent harm or injury.
  • Legal compliance: Accurate labels help ensure compliance with these regulations and reduce the risk of fines or legal action.
  • Trust and credibility: Accurate labels help build trust and credibility with consumers, as they demonstrate that a company is committed to providing honest and transparent information about its products.
  • Liability: Inaccurate labeling can lead to product liability claims from consumers who have suffered harm or injury as a result of using a product.

In order to have only the highest quality products making it into the hands of consumers, label accuracy should be a top priority throughout the entire product development process. It is important to proof, check, and, review, labels to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Common Label Mistakes to Avoid

As inaccurate labels can lead to disastrous consequences for highly regulated industries, proofreading, reviewing, and checking labels should be a thorough and precise process. Mistakes should be avoided by any means necessary. 

Some common label mistakes that manufacturers should avoid include:

  • Incorrect or incomplete information: Failing to provide all required information or providing incorrect information on a label.
  • Poor readability: Using small font sizes, poor contrast, or a confusing layout can make it difficult for consumers to read and understand labels.
  • Inadequate allergen labeling: Failing to properly label potential allergens can lead to serious health consequences for certain individuals.
  • Outdated information: Failing to update a label with new information, such as changes in ingredients or nutritional information, can be misleading to consumers.
  • Non-compliance with regulatory requirements: Labels must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, such as those related to nutrition, health and safety claims, and ingredient labeling.
  • Misleading or false claims: Making false or misleading claims on a label can result in legal action and damage to a company’s reputation.

Best Practices for Maintaining FDA Label Compliance

With many rules, regulations, and requirements to follow, it’s no surprise that such heavy importance is placed on label accuracy. For perspective, in drug labeling, it is estimated that over 50% of medication use errors are associated with poor labels. 

Though this includes patient misunderstandings, it is generally believed that implementing standardizations such as text, language, typography, and other display standards will drastically reduce errors in drug labels. 

Along with patient safety, it is also important to note that labeling errors lead to significant recalls and financial losses, which are more frequent than one would think. 

Clinically important drug recalls occur approximately once per month in the United States. For perspective on just how significant these financial impacts can be, Johnson and Johnson lost roughly $600 million in sales after closing a distribution site due to a recall.

Because of this, best practices should be put in place to ensure that labels are accurate while maintaining manufacturing and distribution efficiency and speed. 

One certain method that ensures label accuracy is the implementation of automated quality control, or more precisely, a file comparison tool to check content and labels with complete ease and efficacy.  

What is File Comparison Technology?

Content for highly regulated products is produced at such rates and numbers that companies need to turn to technology to help ensure the accuracy of their content and labeling along with all technical documentation. 

In other words, file comparison technology is the ideal solution they are looking for. 

File comparison technology proofreads documents and files in seconds. The software works by overlaying two files to find discrepancies between the two. No matter how small the errors or differences may be, the software will detect them and pinpoint their exact location on the file.

The software can detect errors in copy and artwork that is nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. Using a document comparison tool, errors and differences can be easily found in text, graphics, barcodes, braille, print, and color.  

The result is proofread and error-free labels and packaging in record time – every time. 

By introducing file comparison technology to your proofreading and reviewing processes, quality control departments in regulated industries can avoid unnecessary and hasty product mistakes that can be easily corrected and avoided. 

The technology gives manufacturers confidence that their products and accompanying labels reach the hands of consumers in pristine condition – down to the last period. 

Find out more about how file comparison technology can help quality control teams in regulated industries.

Your New Automated Solution

Many large global corporations in highly regulated industries have yet to implement new technologies that increase workflow efficiency. 

In some cases, many still rely on manual and labor-intensive proofreading and reviewing processes prone to mistakes, leaving huge potential for operations to be optimized and streamlined for maximum efficiency. 

Automated quality control or a file comparison tool inspects content and artwork with complete ease, lightning speed, and increased accuracy.  

To keep up with increasing global consumer demands, regulated industries create an immeasurable amount of products, each with its own packaging, labeling, and documentation. This content must be meticulously reviewed and proofread to ensure that the final product is error-free. 

 Manually proofreading this amount of content is not an efficient solution for companies that need to keep up with growing demands. File comparison software offers a foolproof solution to ensure all this generated content is checked and proofread perfectly. 

 This advancement in proofreading processes eliminates the need for manual document inspections and leaves it up to technology. The software conducts digital checks for discrepancies in text, spelling, graphics, color, and more. 

The software conducts thorough inspections in a fraction of the time and ensures that labels and content are 100% accurate before going out to the hands of patients and consumers. 

 This technological advancement ultimately increases productivity and workflow efficiency and offers endless benefits unmatched by manual inspections. Not only does automated proofreading software help ease the proofreading process, it simply makes proofreading better. 

Keep Up with FDA Labeling Requirements 

If you want to keep up with FDA labeling requirements with complete ease, switch to automated quality control. A trusted technology, GlobalVision’s innovative automated solutions have been solving problems for regulated industries globally for over thirty years.  

By using GlobalVision to eliminate time-consuming and inaccurate manual checks, the largest pharma companies worldwide cut review times by 89%. Just by making the simple switch to automated quality control, top companies got critical healthcare products into the hands of consumers faster and with complete confidence that their labels and content are 100% accurate and FDA compliant.

To name only a few, GlobalVision has helped:

Ensuring that you meet all FDA drug labeling requirements is far from easy. Yet, through the simple introduction of automated quality control, companies can rest assured that they are drastically eliminating the risk of human error, getting their product to market faster with fewer revision cycles, and reducing the risk of costly recalls and misprints. 

Ready to Automate Your Workflows? 

To ensure market success and error-free, perfect labels, regulated industries must streamline their quality control processes. The simple Implementation of file comparison technology helps teams create flawless labels, speeds up the content creation process and revision times, and gets products to market in record time.   

The benefits a file comparison tool brings to manufacturers are countless and, in most cases, are a crucial company resource. The only way manufacturers can be completely confident that their content and products are error-free is through fast, accurate, and trusted software such as file comparison technology.  

Ready to step into the world of automated proofreading? Request a demo of our innovative text comparison software and see how this technology can revolutionize your everyday business practices. Transform your quality control processes with GlobalVision’s cloud-based quality inspection tool. 

Also, to learn more about how technology can help manage regulatory compliance, check out GlobalVision’s guide Digital Transformation for Pharmaceutical Packaging Quality.


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