Date: May, 2024 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

Biogen is a leading multinational biotechnology company specializing in therapeutics and medicines for the treatment of neurological diseases, specialized immunology, and rare diseases. Pioneering innovative science to deliver new medicines that transform patient lives, Biogen operates internationally with offices across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

Challenge: Product Lifecycle Delays Causing Financial Losses

Prior to implementing GlobalVision, Biogen struggled with certain convoluted business processes and unreliable legacy systems that caused delays in their products’ lifecycles. The processes in place made making even minor changes a difficult task.

Their legacy systems were inefficient, resulting in regular compliance issues and data losses, hindering Biogen’s ability to maintain regulatory compliance, and reducing operational efficiency.

Solution: Streamline Artwork Development With Automated Quality Inspections 

In March 2019, Biogen implemented GlobalVision’s suite of automated quality inspection tools in hopes of alleviating these critical delays. The system helped them deliver artwork files exactly as intended and significantly reduced revision cycles. They calculated the following success metrics:

“The Artwork Design TeamRegulatory TeamsQuality Partners, and Graphic Service Providers—across all four of those functions – the time savings are associated with the move to GlobalVision.” 

– Richard Eyre, Associate Director of Product Lifecycle Management Regulatory CMC and Asset Development Project Management IT Systems

Ultimately, Biogen’s implementation of GlobalVision’s market-leading software allowed them to deliver critical medicines to market faster, further solidifying the software’s position as the leading proofreading and quality inspection solution for regulated industries.The software’s capabilities such as pixel-to-pixel comparison and text comparison, quickly proved to be crucial for maintaining the integrity of product information across the product lifecycle.

“The reliability associated with both the implementation, the maintenance, and the operation of  the [GlobalVision] system has been amazing and really is one of the keys to why we want to prolong the relationship with GlobalVision.”

– Richard Eyre, Associate Director of Product Lifecycle Management Regulatory CMC and Asset Development Project Management IT Systems

Join industry leaders and take the first step towards streamlining your artwork development and quality inspection processes today.

Date: November, 2023 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

About Dempsey Corporation

With over 35 years of experience in the consumer goods industry, the Beauty Division of Dempsey Corporation understands the complex needs of customers when it comes to product development, sourcing, quality assurance, and logistics. 

Located in Toronto, Ontario, Dempsey’s Beauty Division is a private label that produces an array of products under common retail brand names. With a commitment to going above and beyond for their customers, Dempsey recognizes the importance of a strong quality control process.

Today, Dempsey is represented by a diverse group of international experts based in five countries with the one main goal of delivering value. 

The Challenge: Ensuring Accuracy of Large, Complex Files 

Prior to implementing digital quality control, the company was outsourcing specific elements of the label review process. Numerous label versions were created with label workflows interchanging between internal teams, clients, and packaging producers. 

For Dempsey Beauty’s quality assurance team, this led to difficulties in managing approvals, especially with regard to ensuring that all teams were using the most recent and relevant version of a file. 

What’s more, with product labels containing large ingredient lists which are very text-heavy, manual proofreading became increasingly difficult, especially when the team started succumbing to proofreading fatigue, occasionally missing some content errors as their eyes started to adapt to the content. Ultimately, these errors often resulted in financial losses as well as reputational damage.

Before implementing GlobalVision, the majority of proofreading fell into the hands of one person to review labels at the regulatory and quality assurance levels. This created a vulnerable and risk-prone step in their process, as the onus fell on the proofreader – a single person who mainly relied on the human eye for quality control. 

To help reduce the risk of human error and assure the accuracy of their large volume of labels and content, Dempsey decided a change was needed in their quality control process to ensure  the credibility and accuracy of their products, and maintain their position as a leader and household name in the beauty industry. 

The Solution: Replace Error-Prone Label Review Processes with Accurate Automated Solutions

After exploring various solutions on the market, Dempsey Corporation made the decision to  incorporate GlobalVision into their quality control processes to eliminate errors and fatigue caused by manual proofreading. 

They decided to implement this automated solution as an additional layer of review, giving them peace of mind and allowing them to focus more efforts on other important  areas of quality assurance. 

Additionally, Dempsey’s Beauty Division wanted to improve their market position and stand out against competitors, and they felt that implementing GlobalVision would contribute to their success in this area. “It’s the gold standard of quality assurance, to be able to assess a label with the same level of scrutiny regardless of the number of labels there are and how tired your eyes might be,” says Charles Inthathirath, the Quality Assurance Manager at Dempsey’s Beauty Division.

The Result: Increased Productivity With GlobalVision’s Automated Software 

After implementing GlobalVision’s Quality Inspection Platform, the company has benefited from significant time-savings along the entire quality control process. In high season, Dempsey’s quality department can use the GlobalVision software to replace half a day’s worth of label reviews, allowing them to review more labels in a shorter time period. 

When it comes to replenishing inventory in the production phase, having GlobalVision has been a huge help in approving labels that are in queue for print.

Aside from accelerating text-heavy reviews, the quality team appreciates GlobalVision’s barcode inspection tool, especially the human-readable value and grade provided by the software, which allows them to ensure that barcodes are always compliant with industry regulations before they go to print. . “Overall, the software is great! We also appreciate the extra training available to us,” says Inthathirath. 

They’ve been able to measure the success of implementing GlobalVision by measuring their productivity levels. With GlobalVision in place to help improve the efficiency of their  label review process, the quality department has been able to allocate resources to other areas of quality assurance and they’ve seen an increase in efficiency across the board.

Looking Ahead with GlobalVision

As they look towards the future, the company sees itself moving forward by expanding their beauty line to include eye products while also pushing towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable packaging. 

Going above and beyond to meet and exceed the needs of their customers will always be top priority for Dempsey’s Beauty Division. That is why they continue to use GlobalVision in their label reviews to ensure the complete accuracy, credibility and quality of every product that goes out to the market. 

See how precision meets efficiency as IPG harnesses GlobalVision's state-of-the-art technology to streamline workflows and ensure flawless documents.

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

About IPG Health 

IPG Health is a network of world-renowned agencies focused on health communication and marketing. Collectively, the network is made up of over 45 agencies that are spread across six continents and 6,500+ employees driven by a company-wide obsession with harnessing creativity, technology, science, and data to inspire behaviors that fuel better health. 

IPG Health’s clients include the top 20 global pharmaceutical companies as well as countless startups, biotech companies, biopharma companies, and a variety of life science companies. In everything they do, IPG Health is relentlessly focused on doing what’s right for their clients, their brands, and their people. 

The Challenge: Keeping Content Accurate While Facing Regulatory and Time Constraints

Due to the fast-paced, highly regulated, and critical nature of their field of work, IPG Health must focus significant time and resources on ensuring the accuracy of every piece of content and creative material produced. 

Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health, gave us a detailed look into some of the key challenges his teams and department face in the project development process. He noted that their main goal was to deliver accurate content for their clients and a large part of ensuring that was through accurate and fast proofreading processes. 

IPG Health deals with large volumes of medical and scientific materials that are often lengthy and technical, and that include special characters that further complicate proofreading. When reviewing the documents manually, the proofreading process can be very time-consuming. Traditionally, this often led to the need for additional proofreaders at the late stages of the project development process to avoid bottlenecks while ensuring accuracy. 

Further, duplicate proofreading reviews at key project milestones were part of their standard operating procedure to ensure accuracy as projects moved through the late-stage production steps. The need for a second proofreader so routinely added a resource management challenge to the quality control process.

“We found that there were bottlenecks with regard to turning projects around and getting them back to our clients. We were coming up against these crunch times to turn around content quickly for product launches, and the manual proofreading process was slowing us down.”

  • Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health

The Solution: Increase Content Review Efficiency and Maintain Accuracy Through Automation 

When IPG Health first sampled GlobalVision’s automated solutions 10 years ago, they instantly noticed the incredibly accurate results it was producing proofreading files. On top of that, even at a time before the routine use of digital tools, GlobalVision products were easy enough to use to enable a broad rollout within the editorial teams. 

For over a decade, this accuracy has proven reliable, as IPG Health still trusts GlobalVision as an important component of its editorial process. 

“A lightbulb went off when we were proofreading a 35-page product package label. The manual proofreading took most of the day to complete, yet when I ran the files through [GlobalVision], it took all of 30 minutes. It caught all the errors the manual proofreader found plus two additional errors that would have otherwise slipped through.”

  • Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health

In many cases, IPG Health teams work with pre-approved client content that needs to be included in their materials. While there is plenty of room for their renowned creativity in other areas, in these cases they must strictly adhere to the approved language. To help with this, GlobalVision is used to ensure complete accuracy, in addition to its use for late-stage proofreading to ensure content integrity.

Kyle Richards notes that due to their text-heavy content, the Text Inspection tool is the feature they rely on most. They also benefit greatly from the built-in Spell Check and Custom Dictionaries, which proved to be extremely helpful when proofreading health-related material. Graphics inspection is also used frequently, as diagrams, charts, and visuals are commonly included in the content.

Throughout the years, IPG Health found numerous advantages of using GlobalVision’s file comparison technology but has particularly noted three main software benefits: 

  • Accuracy: Maintains accuracy of proofread documents and provides an additional layer of quality control in late-stage reviews. 
  • Time Savings: The addition of automated inspections drastically decreases the time needed to proofread lengthy, technical, health-related documents, particularly in late-stage reviews.
  • Better Use of Expertise: Provides an added layer of support and verification for editors and allows them more time to perform other high-value aspects of their role. 

Automated inspections drastically decrease the time needed to proofread lengthy, technical, health-related content. In general, it decreases proofreading times at IPG Health by about 75%-80%.

It hasn’t been just IPG Health reaping the benefits of GlobalVision, their clients have also received the benefits. Kyle Richards notes that “Clients are always looking to be more efficient with their budget. With GlobalVision, we’re able to do more work within the same time, meaning they’re getting more for their dollar.” 

“Clients are always looking to be more efficient with their budget. With GlobalVision, we’re able to do more work within the same time, meaning they’re getting more for their dollar.” 

  • Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health

As they are continually working to improve the efficiency of their quality control processes, IPG Health recently began implementing GlobalVision’s newest innovation in cloud-based proofreading software, Verify. During the switch to the latest software, the editorial teams noted that it was very easy and intuitive to use and that it has made proofreading even easier than before.

For a decade and counting, IPG Health has had nothing but praise for GlobalVision and the advantages it has added to its quality control workflow. When asked if he would recommend the software to others considering automated proofreading, Kyle Richards quickly answered, “Yes, absolutely. From an editorial perspective, it supports our proofreading efforts and allows us to do a challenging aspect of our role much more efficiently, which also buys us more time to tackle other aspects of our role that bring higher value to the team.”

Take the first step toward error-free content with GlobalVision’s automated solutions. Learn how proofreading software can help your quality control workflow, and start reaping the benefits today.

Our cutting-edge technology brings unmatched accuracy and speed in proofreading of critical content, ensuring compliance success every step of the way. For Inova Pharma, it has allowed them to take full ownership of quality reviews and ensure seamless product launches as well.

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

About iNova Pharmaceuticals

iNova Pharmaceuticals is a global organization dedicated to the development, marketing, and distribution of a diverse range of prescription medications and consumer health products. Operating across Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa, iNova serves over 20 countries internationally. 

With a team of 550 professionals spanning three continents, their goal is to provide trusted products that improve people’s health and well-being. Their diverse product portfolio includes weight management, cough and cold remedies, health supplements, dermatology, sun care, and female health products. Their products have established a legacy of over 50 years, earning a prominent place in countless family medicine cabinets.

iNova Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to delivering effective and high-quality pharmaceuticals manufactured in accordance with the most stringent international standards.

The Challenge: Overcome Inefficient Outsourcing and Complicated Revision Workflows  

In late 2017, quality teams at iNova Pharmaceuticals underwent organizational changes that allowed them to bring more control into their quality assurance processes, eliminating the need for outsourced third parties and complicated revision workflows. 

Artwork management in particular was a main area of focus. At the time, teams at iNova were working with an external studio that managed most of their artwork processes. While the studio provided a tool that allowed iNova to complete product or artwork reviews online, the tool was not managed by them directly, giving them little control over the process. 

To resolve this issue, Phil Sami, Group Operations Improvement Director was given the task to create an artwork process and workflow that was consistent and streamlined across all three regions of the organization. 

What he soon discovered was GlobalVision’s innovative proofreading software. The implementation of the system in early 2018 would allow them to bring back ownership of their revision and quality assurance processes internally and allow them to have total control of all their artwork pieces as well as changes and revisions. 

“GlobalVision is a great software to compare the print proofs and perform quality checks of the artworks.”

  • Diwas Malla, Senior Quality Assurance Associate

The Solution: Take Ownership of Quality Reviews and Ensure Seamless Product Launches with GlobalVision 

Through GlobalVision’s proofreading software, quality teams at iNova Pharmaceuticals were able to ease collaboration and once again take back ownership of their artwork management workflows. This implementation allowed them to ensure first-hand the accuracy of their files which ultimately led to faster and higher quality revisions as well as increase their overall speed-to-market for new product launches. 

Phil Sami notes that besides the additional capabilities and features that allowed the company to enhance their revision workflows while ensuring compliance, a key factor in choosing GlobalVision was that the software was FDA-approved and it was difficult to find alternatives that offered compliance packages required by pharmaceutical industry software providers. GlobalVision was the comprehensive solution for their everyday quality assurance needs and stood out as the market leader. 

“GlobalVision has been vital in artwork development as it helps pick up the tiniest of errors and differences both within text and graphics. It also saves so much time by not having to do manual proofreading.”

  • Praenisha Ramnath, Pharmacovigilance & Compliance Manager

He adds that a majority of the users are in the company’s Quality department and that the software is primarily used in the following manner: 

  • The software is used daily to run approvals of artwork that is at the final print-proof stage. A review of what external manufacturers send is done to ensure those proofs can go to production, ultimately ensuring a swift time-to-market for products. 
  • It is used to verify barcodes and ensure they are accurate and compliant. This is a critical feature for iNova’s quality team as products are not accepted if the barcodes do not pass the strict compliance regulations required by global health authorities. 
  • As artwork is sent to manufacturers and other departments, seamless team collaboration is key. GlobalVision allows quality teams and artwork planners to do quick yet accurate reviews before they send files off throughout the content lifecycle. 

“GlobalVision has been tremendously useful in decoding barcode values hence ensuring we deliver our products with GS1-compliant barcodes to our customers”

  • Gregory Pecsenya, Artwork Planner

Another crucial feature for iNova Pharmaceuticals is the software’s ability to select specific areas of a file that need to be inspected, namely, the Zoning Tool. GlobalVision allows users to pinpoint exact areas of a file, whether text or graphics, allowing for more detailed and precise inspections. 

Phil adds that this feature is particularly beneficial when working on files in foreign languages. As iNova distributes products to markets globally, quality teams must work on files in languages and alphabets that are not native to them. The Zoning Tool allows for granular inspections of foreign content and more accurate visual inspections of graphic components within seconds.

Conclusion: iNova Pharmaceutical Revolutionizes Revision Workflows

Since 2018, quality and artwork teams at iNova have been reaping the many benefits of GlobalVision and their revision processes have become unimaginable without the market-leading proofreading software. As they are consistently reviewing and improving their quality control processes, iNova Pharmaceuticals is in the process of implementing GlobalVision’s newest innovation in cloud-based proofreading software, Verify, to further drive speed and accuracy in their proofreading processes.

As Verify is integrated with Veeva, another system used by iNova Pharmaceuticals, teams predict that this implementation will save additional time, approximately 2-3 min per piece of artwork, as switching between the different platforms will no longer be needed.  

In the future, iNova Pharmaceuticals plans to continue to work alongside GlobalVision, implementing and updating its software and workflows to ensure the highest quality products they have become known for, all the while guaranteeing customer satisfaction and loyalty for many more years to come. 

Take the first step towards error-free content and quicker time-to-market with GlobalVision’s automated proofreading software. Start reaping the benefits of automated quality control today.

Banner for How Johnson & Johnson’s Labeling Team Scaled their Quality Review Process

Date: July, 2022 | CategoryCustomers Author: Gabriella Naguib

For over 20 years, GlobalVision has been helping Johnson & Johnson teams globally through the power of automation technology. Enabling automated quality checks throughout their packaging workflows is the backbone that has made this partnership so fruitful and successful. From the Consumer Health division to their internal Medical Device giant Ethicon, the nature of J&J’s regulated products makes the need for error-free packaging components an absolute necessity.

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Sarita Ranade, Business Process Lead at Ethicon, to discuss how she and her team at Ethicon have benefited since implementing the GlobalVision Web (GVW) software. GVW is one of GlobalVision’s ironclad web-based products, which allows for swift and accurate file inspections throughout the packaging development process.

Sarita’s department, Worldwide Labeling, had set out to start bringing some parts of their complex labeling process in-house. With so many moving parts, the need for automation and streamlining became imminent. 

The Challenge: Inefficient and Tedious Manual Review Tasks 

Before GVW, this labeling group within Ethicon, which also extends to parts of J&J’s Depuy Synthes and BioSense Webster divisions, was burdened with the tedious task of manual comparisons between all file revisions. They now benefit mainly from the two core GVW Modules: Text Inspection, a letter-for-letter comparison between two files within seconds, and Graphics Inspection, allowing them to overlay two documents and highlight all changes detected.

Given the complexities of their process, the GVW software offers a level of simplicity when it comes to proofreading: discard intended changes between versions and flag critical or non-intended changes for further investigation. 

When it comes to medical device labeling, each and every word must be carefully considered for any typos, insertions, deletions, location issues, and event fonts and formats must remain compliant. Sarita worked closely with GlobalVision’s Susan Proper to ensure that GVW was the right choice for her team, ensuring that the software detected all changes and that the usability met their needs.

Ethicon’s samples were sent over for testing, and the Labeling team underwent a trial period with hands-on training, which ultimately informed their decision to move forward with GVW. Speed, accessibility, and user-friendliness played a significant role as the team found GVW to be fast, easy to navigate, and easily accessible through their web browser.

The Solution: Quicker Inspections and Decades of Trusted Accuracy 

Since going live in February of 2021, the team has noted two major ways in which their workflow has improved: they are able to save considerable amounts of time by running the files for a quick inspection in GVW, and they have acquired somewhat of an insurance, allowing them to focus on pressing day-to-day tasks with peace of mind that their latest working version is free of any potential errors. One of their favorite features is the Zoning tool, which allows you to inspect specific text regions while ignoring the rest of the document. 

This partnership has allowed for decades of successfully streamlined and efficient workflows and has resulted in consistently accurate packaging and labeling, eliminating the risk of content and artwork errors that can otherwise result in detrimental company downfalls. GlobalVision’s trusted line of quality inspection products has proven to be a key component in J&J’s quality mandate, and GlobalVision aims to maintain a strong partnership for years to come as it continues to offer the most cutting-edge innovations in automated quality control technology.  

To learn more about shifting gears from manual to automated quality control and what that could look like for your team, watch our on-demand webinar with Veeva: Solving Pharma’s Content Efficiency Problem.

On-demand Recording: Solving Pharma’s Content Efficiency Problem with Veeva & GlobalVision  Watch Now >

Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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