A Definitive Guide to Data Integrity Assurance

Date: October, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

In the digital age, where data serves as the backbone of decision-making, business operations, and technological advancements, ensuring the integrity of data has become paramount. 

From sensitive information to critical corporate records and beyond, the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data play a pivotal role in building trust, driving innovation, and avoiding potentially catastrophic consequences. 

This comprehensive guide is designed to unravel the intricate layers of data integrity, offering insights into its significance, the challenges it poses, and, most importantly, the proven strategies and best practices that individuals and organizations can adopt to safeguard their data. 

Whether you’re seeking to refine your enterprise’s practices, you’re a small company that is eager to improve its systems and security, or personally looking into how you can secure your data and privacy, this guide is your compass in navigating the complex landscape of data integrity assurance.

What is Data Integrity?

At its core, data integrity represents the steadfast accuracy and consistency of information throughout its lifecycle. It encompasses the assurance that data can be either valid, invalid or in the process of becoming valid.

Error-checking and validation processes are methods often used to ensure data integrity and it’s easier to think of it as the trustworthiness of a digital asset, where any modifications, corruptions, or unauthorized changes are effectively prevented or quickly detected and corrected. 

In essence, data integrity is the pillar on which sound decision-making, seamless processes, and reliable systems are built. It not only guards against accidental errors and technical glitches but also shields against intentional tampering, ensuring that data retains its value and authenticity, fostering confidence among stakeholders and enabling a strong foundation for operational excellence.

The key to a successful software development lifecycle? Data integrity. Read more here! 

Why is Data Integrity Important?

Data integrity is a cornerstone of modern information-driven landscapes, playing a pivotal role in upholding the credibility and effectiveness of any data-driven endeavor. 

In a world where organizations and individuals rely on data for critical decision-making, strategic planning, and innovation, the importance of data integrity cannot be overstated. 

Maintaining data in its accurate, unaltered state ensures that insights drawn and actions taken are based on a foundation of truth, enhancing the reliability of outcomes. Moreover, data integrity is a foundation of regulatory compliance, particularly in industries handling sensitive information such as healthcare and finance, for example. 

Without robust data integrity measures, the risk of errors slipping through, compromised security, and a damaged brand image pose a large threat. By creating a culture of data integrity, organizations foster trust among stakeholders and customers while driving efficiency in operations and securing their ability to navigate the complexities of the digital age with confidence.

Data Integrity Best Practices

When it comes to ensuring data integrity, there are several fundamental principles that serve as the foundation for maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of your data.

These principles are collectively known as ALCOA, an acronym that stands for Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneous, Original, and Accurate. 

  • Attributable: Data should clearly demonstrate who observed and recorded it when it was observed and recorded, and who it is about. This principle ensures transparency and accountability in data collection and management. When data is attributable, it becomes possible to trace its origins and understand the context in which it was generated.
  • Legible: Data should be easy to understand and recorded permanently and original entries should be preserved. Legibility is crucial because it ensures that data can be effectively reviewed, analyzed, and shared without ambiguity. 
  • Contemporaneous: Data should be recorded as it was observed, and at the time it was executed. Timeliness in data recording is essential to prevent inaccuracies or omissions that can occur when data is retroactively documented. 
  • Original: Source data should be accessible and preserved in its original form. This ensures that data remains unaltered and unmanipulated throughout its lifecycle. Original data serves as a reference point for audits, validations, and quality assessments.
  • Accurate: Data should be free from errors, and conform with the protocol. Accuracy is at the core of data integrity, as incorrect data can lead to faulty decisions, jeopardizing product quality, patient safety, and regulatory compliance. 

What Are Threats to Data Integrity?

The landscape of data integrity faces a multitude of threats that can compromise the accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness of information. Malicious cyberattacks, ranging from hacking and phishing to ransomware, pose a significant danger by potentially altering or stealing data. 

System glitches, hardware failures, and software bugs can inadvertently introduce errors and inconsistencies. Data entry mistakes, often attributed to human error, can distort information at the point of creation. 

Additionally, as data travels through various stages of its lifecycle, data integrity risks emerge during storage, transmission, and processing. Moreover, inadequate data governance and insufficient security measures can create vulnerabilities that malicious actors exploit.

These threats collectively highlight the necessity of robust data integrity measures that encompass technological safeguards, employee training, vigilant monitoring, and stringent compliance with established protocols.

Overall, threats to data integrity can appear in many different forms. Some of the most common threats, however, are often internal. Examples include:

  • Human error
  • Unintended actions
  • Security errors
  • Malware
  • Compromised hardware

How to Minimize Data Integrity Risks 

In today’s marketplace, individuals and companies need to feel confident that there is no loss of quality when using computer systems. To accomplish this, there are effective strategies that companies may implement to manage their data integrity risks and ensure their data respects the ALCOA principle. By moving from a reactive to a proactive way of thinking, the following key requirements and controls may be put in place to ensure data integrity and minimize risks.

For more information about how you or your organization can ensure complete data integrity, read our detailed blog post.

Top Backup Strategies to Keep Data Integrity Intact

Just backing up data isn’t enough to keep data intact anymore. While it’s a necessary step and a good start, a backup means little if there aren’t adequate safeguards in place to protect the integrity of the data that might have to be recovered. 

Even if backups themselves are a safeguard, they must be seen as an asset in their own right. After all, it’s estimated that 100 MB of company data is worth $1 million on average. Half the firms that cannot recover lost data in 10 days cannot recover themselves.

That is why, it is in every individual’s and company’s interest to have a good backup plan and strategy in place. Here are some backup strategies to keep data intact:

  • Know What to Back Up: It’s not only files that must be backed up but programs, including Operating System software as well. 
  • Encrypt Your Back-Ups: Information must be kept secure for its data integrity to stay intact. One way to avoid confidential information from being compromised is to encrypt it into code.
  • Make Regular Back-Ups: Ideally scheduled for when there is low network activity to prevent slowdown, back-ups should be made every day, with daily snapshots taken as well to monitor performance. 
  • Store Your Back-Ups Properly: It goes beyond storing your backups in environmentally controlled facilities. You would also want to store your backups off-site, separately from the original data. 

To find out more about best practices and top-back-up strategies to keep your data integrity intact, read our in-depth blog post. 

How to Reduce Data Integrity Risks for Regulated Industries

In regulated industries, reducing data integrity risks is paramount to ensure compliance and maintain public trust. By implementing stringent data management protocols, conducting regular audits, and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, organizations can effectively mitigate data integrity risks and uphold regulatory standards.

Here are some ways businesses in regulated industries can overcome data integrity issues: 

  • Validate Input: Documented evidence of validation is a crucial way to ensure that input data is accurate. Once a data set is received, it should always be systematically verified.
  • Validate Data: Ensuring data meets pre-determined specifications and key attributes is crucial to ensuring its validity and the system through which it passes.
  • Remove Unnecessary Data: Duplicate files and unidentified data can potentially open doors to unwanted intruders set on exploiting or corrupting information.
  • Data Back-Ups: Permanent data loss is a real threat to businesses. Staying on top of routine backup checks is crucial to avoid losing critical information. Businesses should be proactive in creating a recovery strategy in the event of an unexpected data loss or application error. This will help to restore any losses that could potentially occur.
  • Manage Access Control: Setting limits and controls on who can access certain information within an organization is crucial in protecting data from unauthorized users, including intruders and impersonators. Actions must be taken to ensure that the unwanted spread of sensitive information is limited. Furthermore, the importance of physical access controls must not be neglected. Businesses should take care to protect places like server rooms that can be especially vulnerable to corruption.
  • Traceability: Data integrity relies heavily on the ability to track down the source of a breach at any point within operations. Ensuring that audit trails are consistently in place helps to provide security in the event of a breach and allows organizations to identify the source.

For a step-by-step look at how you or your organization can ensure data integrity, read our in-depth “12 Ways to Reduce Data Integrity Risks for Regulated Industries”

The Role of Document Comparison Software in Ensuring Data Integrity

As automation technology becomes increasingly prevalent and the use of different software, applications, and the internet becomes an absolute necessity, data integrity is as important as ever. Not only does it serve as the driving force behind technology of all forms, but it also acts as a fail-safe.

Document comparison software is one viable way to catch and stop errors that risk corrupting data in their tracks. The software is designed to compare two or more documents to identify all differences, changes, and errors between them allowing for ease of proofreading, and editing and ultimately leading to error-free content. As previously mentioned, this type of software is particularly useful in industries that deal with highly regulated and critical content.

Here are some ways document comparison software can help ensure data integrity:

  • Enhances security 
  • Reduces Human Error
  • Prevents Issues from Recurring 

Enhances Security

While data security is different than data integrity, the two go hand in hand. Like data quality, data security is a single facet of data integrity (but not vice versa). Nevertheless, without the proper degree of security, data can become compromised due to breaches, among other threats. In other words, for data to have integrity, it must first be secure.

As a result, document comparison software can be considered a key component of any complement of tools designed and implemented to enhance the security of data. Errors are simply outliers or anomalies, which are defined as observations that lie outside of norms Document comparison software can build baselines of systems, their users, and the data they create, leading to the easy detection of behavioral deviations, whether there is malicious intent or not.

Do you think following FDA data integrity guidelines is hard? It’s way easier than you think! 

Reduces Human Error

There’s an inherent risk whenever you rely on human resources. There are some things a machine will likely never be able to do as well, but analyzing data is not one of them. It’s similar to the situation with manual proofreading, where, the longer the process is, the less likely errors are to get caught. Fatigue sets in eventually and the effectiveness of proofreaders declines over time.

In much the same way, the automated analysis of unstructured data saves time, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the process. Employees wouldn’t be replaced, either. There would still be a need to oversee the analysis. The right document comparison software would all the while keep relevant parties apprised of how the data behaves. 

Interested in learning more about how document comparison software can help ensure data integrity? Read more here! 

Prevents Issues from Recurring

It isn’t just the current errors the software might catch, but the ones in the future that would otherwise slip through the cracks. Consider document comparison software as an example. A form of error-detection software, GlobalVision features an audit trail for compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.

The platform doesn’t just go over the document pixel-by-pixel or character-by-character to detect graphics and text differences (among other types). The application tracks parameter changes and log-ins, so data becomes “attributable,”  one of the five principles of data integrity.

Read about how GlobalVision Adds Electronic Signatures for Enhanced Data Integrity to the Most Comprehensive Platform Yet!

The Importance of an Audit Trail to Securing Data Integrity

Though the word might spring negative connotations, audits are an unavoidable part of life for many corporations that bring many benefits to daily functions and processes. 

In essence, trails are the lists of transactions or events kept track of to help auditors and, in many ways, those being audited as well. An audit is simply an investigation of accounts and records in general. 

For example, audits can be key to achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance, which is in turn critical to operating in regulatory sectors. It is also important to note that external and internal audits are to be expected on a regular basis.

External vs. Internal Audits

External audits and internal audits serve different purposes:

  • External audits: done by independent third parties and focused on confirming accurate financial statements for regulators and stakeholders.
  • Internal audits: performed by the organization’s own team, and aims to assess and improve internal controls, risk management, operations, and adherence to policies.

The Benefits of an Audit Trail

Regardless of the focus of an audit, trials are undeniably critical to their success. And success is what all parties should strive for, whether they’re doing the auditing or being audited. 

Audits can be made easier if all required records have been kept and are easily accessible to auditors. Automated trails that are easily searchable make smooth audits more of a reality.

Trails are theoretically included in the software as one of many required technical controls that enable users to achieve compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 with the Food and Drug Administration (in the United States; equivalent to Annex 11 in the European Union). 

Compliance here ensures companies implement good business practices through reliable electronic records, which must be able to be accurately displayed and exported. Here, the audit trail serves to log what changes to application data were made, when, and by whom and be available for review.

Whoever ends up conducting that review, whether it’s an agency or the company itself, the auditor will no doubt thank you as the bigger picture begins to take shape. Identifying the individual trees is key to seeing the forest as a whole, though. Finding your way through can be hard, but an audit trail can clearly reveal the right path to take.

Read more about the importance of an audit trail to securing data integrity here. 

Step Up Your Data Security

Data integrity serves as the pillar for informed decision-making, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. 

By delving into the significance of data integrity, the principles of ALCOA, threats to data security, and practical strategies for safeguarding it, this guide equips individuals and organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect their data assets.

Whether you are an individual seeking to secure your personal information or a business aiming to strengthen your operations and brand, the principles and practices outlined provide a compass to navigate the complexities of the digital age with confidence. 

As data continues to evolve and become more integral to our lives, the assurance of its integrity remains vital, ensuring that our digital assets are built on strong foundations of truth, trust, and reliability.

Ready to upgrade your data security? Take a step in the right direction by setting up proper processes through automated quality control. Request a demo of our innovative proofreading software and see how this technology can revolutionize your everyday business practices along with your data security.


Did you enjoy reading this post? Check out these other related post: 

Exploring Effective Security Measures: Safeguarding Data and Building Trust

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

In today’s digital age, information security has become an utmost concern for organizations and their customers. As cyber threats continue to evolve, businesses must prioritize safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. 

ISO 27001 is one of the leading international standards for information security and provides a comprehensive framework to achieve these goals. 

What is ISO 27001

ISO 27001 outlines the necessary requirements for an information security management system to follow. This comprehensive standard offers valuable guidance to businesses on establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually enhancing their information security management system.

Achieving compliance with this framework signifies that an organization has implemented a system to effectively manage risks associated with the security of their data, including that of their customers. This system aligns with the best practices and principles outlined in the International Standard, ensuring a systematic and cost-effective approach to safeguarding sensitive information.

ISO 27001 consists of 3 main pillars:

  • Confidentiality: Only authorized persons have the right to access information
  • Integrity: Only authorized persons can change the information
  • Availability: The information must be accessible to authorized persons only, whenever it is needed

The Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

There are many benefits of being certified. They include: 

Instill Trust for Our Customers & Prospects: Demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the highest level of security for our customer’s and prospects’ information, which builds trust and confidence in our ability to protect their data.

Improve Security & Protection of All Data: Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of both sensitive and non-sensitive data, reducing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents. This leads to a more secure and protected environment, which is critical in today’s interconnected digital world.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: Our customers in regulated industries are required to comply with various regulatory requirements related to information security. This framework helps us demonstrate compliance with regulations as their supplier, providing them with confidence that their data is being accordingly.

Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: Data breaches can lead to significant financial and reputational losses for both us and our customers. ISO 27001 provides customers with peace of mind knowing that their data is less likely to be compromised.

Improved Business Continuity: The framework requires us to have a business continuity plan in place, which helps to ensure that critical business functions can continue in the event of a disruption or disaster. This helps customers maintain the continuity of their critical business activities and reduces the risk of disruptions.

Better Communication: ISO 27001 requires us to communicate our information security policies and procedures to all relevant stakeholders, including customers. This helps us improve communication between us and our customers, further promoting transparency and trust.

A Trustworthy Partner 

Always adhering to the most recent stringent measures, GlobalVision has always been committed to the protection and integrity of information to ensure that data remains protected for our users, employees, and third parties. 

With validated systems, comprehensive internal audits, and multiple verifications during the development and delivery stage, we address data integrity issues and can be counted on by all regulated companies.

This certification provides GlobalVision with yet another affirmation that proves this to be true. For highly regulated companies in the pharmaceutical, medical device, biotechnology, and financial services industries, ISO 27001 certification becomes a crucial factor when considering potential partners or suppliers. GlobalVision’s commitment to security strengthens our position as a market leader for continuing innovation with trust. 

More Than Just a Standard 

ISO 27001 is more than just a standard; it is also a powerful tool that helps organizations protect their information and build trust with their customers and prospects. By adhering to its three pillars of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, organizations can ensure robust information security, reduced risk of breaches, and enhanced business continuity. 

For GlobalVision, this certification is yet another attestation to its commitment to keeping customers first. Whatever their needs be, we strive to go above and beyond to offer the best and more secure services and products to our users. 

Embracing this framework not only strengthens information security but also reinforces our commitment to safeguarding the data entrusted in our care.

To learn more about GlobalVision, please visit our webpage here

See how precision meets efficiency as IPG harnesses GlobalVision's state-of-the-art technology to streamline workflows and ensure flawless documents.

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

About IPG Health 

IPG Health is a network of world-renowned agencies focused on health communication and marketing. Collectively, the network is made up of over 45 agencies that are spread across six continents and 6,500+ employees driven by a company-wide obsession with harnessing creativity, technology, science, and data to inspire behaviors that fuel better health. 

IPG Health’s clients include the top 20 global pharmaceutical companies as well as countless startups, biotech companies, biopharma companies, and a variety of life science companies. In everything they do, IPG Health is relentlessly focused on doing what’s right for their clients, their brands, and their people. 

The Challenge: Keeping Content Accurate While Facing Regulatory and Time Constraints

Due to the fast-paced, highly regulated, and critical nature of their field of work, IPG Health must focus significant time and resources on ensuring the accuracy of every piece of content and creative material produced. 

Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health, gave us a detailed look into some of the key challenges his teams and department face in the project development process. He noted that their main goal was to deliver accurate content for their clients and a large part of ensuring that was through accurate and fast proofreading processes. 

IPG Health deals with large volumes of medical and scientific materials that are often lengthy and technical, and that include special characters that further complicate proofreading. When reviewing the documents manually, the proofreading process can be very time-consuming. Traditionally, this often led to the need for additional proofreaders at the late stages of the project development process to avoid bottlenecks while ensuring accuracy. 

Further, duplicate proofreading reviews at key project milestones were part of their standard operating procedure to ensure accuracy as projects moved through the late-stage production steps. The need for a second proofreader so routinely added a resource management challenge to the quality control process.

“We found that there were bottlenecks with regard to turning projects around and getting them back to our clients. We were coming up against these crunch times to turn around content quickly for product launches, and the manual proofreading process was slowing us down.”

  • Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health

The Solution: Increase Content Review Efficiency and Maintain Accuracy Through Automation 

When IPG Health first sampled GlobalVision’s automated solutions 10 years ago, they instantly noticed the incredibly accurate results it was producing proofreading files. On top of that, even at a time before the routine use of digital tools, GlobalVision products were easy enough to use to enable a broad rollout within the editorial teams. 

For over a decade, this accuracy has proven reliable, as IPG Health still trusts GlobalVision as an important component of its editorial process. 

“A lightbulb went off when we were proofreading a 35-page product package label. The manual proofreading took most of the day to complete, yet when I ran the files through [GlobalVision], it took all of 30 minutes. It caught all the errors the manual proofreader found plus two additional errors that would have otherwise slipped through.”

  • Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health

In many cases, IPG Health teams work with pre-approved client content that needs to be included in their materials. While there is plenty of room for their renowned creativity in other areas, in these cases they must strictly adhere to the approved language. To help with this, GlobalVision is used to ensure complete accuracy, in addition to its use for late-stage proofreading to ensure content integrity.

Kyle Richards notes that due to their text-heavy content, the Text Inspection tool is the feature they rely on most. They also benefit greatly from the built-in Spell Check and Custom Dictionaries, which proved to be extremely helpful when proofreading health-related material. Graphics inspection is also used frequently, as diagrams, charts, and visuals are commonly included in the content.

Throughout the years, IPG Health found numerous advantages of using GlobalVision’s file comparison technology but has particularly noted three main software benefits: 

  • Accuracy: Maintains accuracy of proofread documents and provides an additional layer of quality control in late-stage reviews. 
  • Time Savings: The addition of automated inspections drastically decreases the time needed to proofread lengthy, technical, health-related documents, particularly in late-stage reviews.
  • Better Use of Expertise: Provides an added layer of support and verification for editors and allows them more time to perform other high-value aspects of their role. 

Automated inspections drastically decrease the time needed to proofread lengthy, technical, health-related content. In general, it decreases proofreading times at IPG Health by about 75%-80%.

It hasn’t been just IPG Health reaping the benefits of GlobalVision, their clients have also received the benefits. Kyle Richards notes that “Clients are always looking to be more efficient with their budget. With GlobalVision, we’re able to do more work within the same time, meaning they’re getting more for their dollar.” 

“Clients are always looking to be more efficient with their budget. With GlobalVision, we’re able to do more work within the same time, meaning they’re getting more for their dollar.” 

  • Kyle Richards, EVP, Executive Director, Editorial, at IPG Health

As they are continually working to improve the efficiency of their quality control processes, IPG Health recently began implementing GlobalVision’s newest innovation in cloud-based proofreading software, Verify. During the switch to the latest software, the editorial teams noted that it was very easy and intuitive to use and that it has made proofreading even easier than before.

For a decade and counting, IPG Health has had nothing but praise for GlobalVision and the advantages it has added to its quality control workflow. When asked if he would recommend the software to others considering automated proofreading, Kyle Richards quickly answered, “Yes, absolutely. From an editorial perspective, it supports our proofreading efforts and allows us to do a challenging aspect of our role much more efficiently, which also buys us more time to tackle other aspects of our role that bring higher value to the team.”

Take the first step toward error-free content with GlobalVision’s automated solutions. Learn how proofreading software can help your quality control workflow, and start reaping the benefits today.

Our cutting-edge technology brings unmatched accuracy and speed in proofreading of critical content, ensuring compliance success every step of the way. For Inova Pharma, it has allowed them to take full ownership of quality reviews and ensure seamless product launches as well.

Date: August, 2023 | CategoryCustomers Author: Hana Trokic

About iNova Pharmaceuticals

iNova Pharmaceuticals is a global organization dedicated to the development, marketing, and distribution of a diverse range of prescription medications and consumer health products. Operating across Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa, iNova serves over 20 countries internationally. 

With a team of 550 professionals spanning three continents, their goal is to provide trusted products that improve people’s health and well-being. Their diverse product portfolio includes weight management, cough and cold remedies, health supplements, dermatology, sun care, and female health products. Their products have established a legacy of over 50 years, earning a prominent place in countless family medicine cabinets.

iNova Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to delivering effective and high-quality pharmaceuticals manufactured in accordance with the most stringent international standards.

The Challenge: Overcome Inefficient Outsourcing and Complicated Revision Workflows  

In late 2017, quality teams at iNova Pharmaceuticals underwent organizational changes that allowed them to bring more control into their quality assurance processes, eliminating the need for outsourced third parties and complicated revision workflows. 

Artwork management in particular was a main area of focus. At the time, teams at iNova were working with an external studio that managed most of their artwork processes. While the studio provided a tool that allowed iNova to complete product or artwork reviews online, the tool was not managed by them directly, giving them little control over the process. 

To resolve this issue, Phil Sami, Group Operations Improvement Director was given the task to create an artwork process and workflow that was consistent and streamlined across all three regions of the organization. 

What he soon discovered was GlobalVision’s innovative proofreading software. The implementation of the system in early 2018 would allow them to bring back ownership of their revision and quality assurance processes internally and allow them to have total control of all their artwork pieces as well as changes and revisions. 

“GlobalVision is a great software to compare the print proofs and perform quality checks of the artworks.”

  • Diwas Malla, Senior Quality Assurance Associate

The Solution: Take Ownership of Quality Reviews and Ensure Seamless Product Launches with GlobalVision 

Through GlobalVision’s proofreading software, quality teams at iNova Pharmaceuticals were able to ease collaboration and once again take back ownership of their artwork management workflows. This implementation allowed them to ensure first-hand the accuracy of their files which ultimately led to faster and higher quality revisions as well as increase their overall speed-to-market for new product launches. 

Phil Sami notes that besides the additional capabilities and features that allowed the company to enhance their revision workflows while ensuring compliance, a key factor in choosing GlobalVision was that the software was FDA-approved and it was difficult to find alternatives that offered compliance packages required by pharmaceutical industry software providers. GlobalVision was the comprehensive solution for their everyday quality assurance needs and stood out as the market leader. 

“GlobalVision has been vital in artwork development as it helps pick up the tiniest of errors and differences both within text and graphics. It also saves so much time by not having to do manual proofreading.”

  • Praenisha Ramnath, Pharmacovigilance & Compliance Manager

He adds that a majority of the users are in the company’s Quality department and that the software is primarily used in the following manner: 

  • The software is used daily to run approvals of artwork that is at the final print-proof stage. A review of what external manufacturers send is done to ensure those proofs can go to production, ultimately ensuring a swift time-to-market for products. 
  • It is used to verify barcodes and ensure they are accurate and compliant. This is a critical feature for iNova’s quality team as products are not accepted if the barcodes do not pass the strict compliance regulations required by global health authorities. 
  • As artwork is sent to manufacturers and other departments, seamless team collaboration is key. GlobalVision allows quality teams and artwork planners to do quick yet accurate reviews before they send files off throughout the content lifecycle. 

“GlobalVision has been tremendously useful in decoding barcode values hence ensuring we deliver our products with GS1-compliant barcodes to our customers”

  • Gregory Pecsenya, Artwork Planner

Another crucial feature for iNova Pharmaceuticals is the software’s ability to select specific areas of a file that need to be inspected, namely, the Zoning Tool. GlobalVision allows users to pinpoint exact areas of a file, whether text or graphics, allowing for more detailed and precise inspections. 

Phil adds that this feature is particularly beneficial when working on files in foreign languages. As iNova distributes products to markets globally, quality teams must work on files in languages and alphabets that are not native to them. The Zoning Tool allows for granular inspections of foreign content and more accurate visual inspections of graphic components within seconds.

Conclusion: iNova Pharmaceutical Revolutionizes Revision Workflows

Since 2018, quality and artwork teams at iNova have been reaping the many benefits of GlobalVision and their revision processes have become unimaginable without the market-leading proofreading software. As they are consistently reviewing and improving their quality control processes, iNova Pharmaceuticals is in the process of implementing GlobalVision’s newest innovation in cloud-based proofreading software, Verify, to further drive speed and accuracy in their proofreading processes.

As Verify is integrated with Veeva, another system used by iNova Pharmaceuticals, teams predict that this implementation will save additional time, approximately 2-3 min per piece of artwork, as switching between the different platforms will no longer be needed.  

In the future, iNova Pharmaceuticals plans to continue to work alongside GlobalVision, implementing and updating its software and workflows to ensure the highest quality products they have become known for, all the while guaranteeing customer satisfaction and loyalty for many more years to come. 

Take the first step towards error-free content and quicker time-to-market with GlobalVision’s automated proofreading software. Start reaping the benefits of automated quality control today.

How to Master FDA Labeling Requirements: Your Comprehensive Guide is Here Blog Banner

Date: April, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

For highly regulated industries, it’s crucial to understand and comply with the labeling requirements set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, navigating through complex regulations can be overwhelming, especially when guidelines are subject to constant and abrupt changes.

Thankfully, GlobalVision helps you to stay one step ahead of all regulations through our latest eBook, “Your Complete Guide to Meeting FDA Labeling Requirements.” 

This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights into FDA labeling requirements and ensures your organization not only thoroughly understands labeling guidelines, but also sets best practices in place to consistently meet FDA labeling requirements with complete ease. 

A Comprehensive Guide to FDA Labeling

From outlining requirements for specific products to detailing the formatting and content requirements for labels, our guide covers all crucial elements of labeling guidelines. We’ve distilled information into an easy-to-read format, complete with examples, statistics, infographics, and more to help you understand guidelines and apply them to your everyday quality assurance workflows. 

Our eBook covers the following: 

  • FDA labeling guidelines for medical devices, drugs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food, and obstacles that arise when trying to maintain compliance
  • How to meet all FDA labeling requirements with complete ease while ensuring the complete accuracy of your labels
  • How regulated industries can implement best FDA labeling practices through automated quality control, including real-life case studies from industry-leading companies

FDA Officially Declared Plant-Based “Milk”, Milk 

Just how quickly do FDA labeling requirements change? Taking notes from the recent cow milk vs. plant “milk” labeling battle, we can say, they can change overnight.

Back in 1973, the FDA defined milk as “the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows.” In other words, milk, the original energy drink that we’ve known and loved for years, had to come from a lactating animal.

Fast forward to 2023 and things have drastically changed. The rise in vegan and plant-based diets has led to an overall shift in consumer behavior resulting in the growing need for a new, previously untapped market—offering alternative options to traditionally animal-derived products.

In recent years, this major pivot towards plant-based alternatives has slowly turned dairy aisles into everything but. Oat, soy, rice, coconut, cashew, hazelnut, and hemp are just a few alternatives that were labeled as “milk”. 

Because of this, for years, dairy farmers and plant-based milk manufacturers saw themselves in a bitter fight over the name of their products. With the rising popularity of milk alternatives, dairy farmers have insisted that allowing these drinks to be labeled as “milk” is misleading. Up until recently, they were right. These plant-based alternatives weren’t legally allowed to be advertised as milk and had to be labeled as anything but to get an FDA stamp of approval.

Finally, as a true sign of the times, in February 2023, it became official. The FDA ruled that plant-based milk alternatives can use the term “milk” and millions of plant-milk manufacturers first rejoiced, and then found themselves in a flurry as they quickly needed to update their labels to reflect the new FDA guideline. 

Keeping Up with FDA Labeling Requirements 

The “milk” vs. milk case, is just one example of how FDA labeling requirements can change in an instant. These unexpected and often abrupt changes make keeping up with FDA guidelines anything but easy. The added worry of ensuring compliance to avoid costly fines, recalls, and potential harm to consumers is also an everyday obstacle for those in regulated industries.  

Having a comprehensive guide that outlines all guidelines is a one-stop solution for relegated industries that want to ease these processes and alleviate the risks that come with errors in labeling and packaging. Our guide helps businesses navigate all these guidelines and more while streamlining proofreading and quality control processes, guaranteeing accurate, safe, and legal products that are ready for market and consumer use. 

Whether you work in medical devices, drugs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, or food, GlobalVision’s eBook is sure to provide the information and answers needed to help your business stay compliant. Your Complete Guide to Meeting FDA Labeling Requirements is the ultimate resource for ensuring your products meet regulatory standards.

Don’t risk noncompliance with FDA labeling requirements – download our guide and start implementing best proofreading practices today.


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Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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FDA Labeling Requirements Pillar Post Banner Image

Date: February, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets strict labeling requirements and guidelines for food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices to name a few. The goal of these rules and regulations is to ensure that consumers have accurate and complete information about the products they purchase and consume.  

These guidelines cover everything from product ingredients and information, to labeling and packaging requirements. It’s important for manufacturers and distributors to understand and comply with these regulations to avoid potential legal and financial downfalls along with ensuring the complete safety of the consumer. 

This post will provide an overview of the FDA’s labeling requirements for specific markets and offer resources on how to stay FDA compliant.

Want to learn more about compliance, proofreading, and quality control? Read more content from GlobalVision here!

What is the FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration, otherwise known as the FDA, is responsible for protecting public and consumer health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and more.

A federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and approving new foods, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices before they are sold to the public
  • Inspecting companies that make and distribute food, cosmetics, drugs, and medical devices
  • Monitoring the safety of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices after they have been approved and are on the market
  • Providing information to the public about the safety and effectiveness of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices
  • Regulating the labeling and advertising of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices
  • Enforcing laws that protect consumers from unsafe or misbranded products

What are FDA Labeling Requirements?

FDA Labeling Requirements Pillar Post

FDA labeling requirements are guidelines and regulations set for the labeling of food, drug, cosmetics, and medical device products. 

These guidelines ensure that consumers have accurate and complete information about the products they purchase. 

The FDA labeling requirements cover a wide range of information, including:

  • Packaging and labeling requirements for specific products.
  • Ingredient list
  • Health claims and nutrient content claims
  • Warning statements where applicable 
  • Nutrition information for food labeling 
  • Allergens

Manufacturers and distributors must thoroughly understand and comply with all FDA labeling requirements to ensure a safe and reliable product along with getting their products to market faster. They also need to keep updated with FDA regulations as they change over time and manufacturers want to ensure the consistent compliance of their products. 

Historical Context of FDA Labeling Requirements

The history of FDA labeling requirements goes back to the late 19th century when the U.S. government first began to regulate the safety and purity of food and drugs. The first federal food and drug law, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, was passed in response to public concern about the safety of food and drugs that were being sold across state lines. 

This law required that food and drugs be labeled with accurate information about their contents and prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated products

Over the years, the FDA has continued to update and strengthen its labeling regulations to keep pace with advances in science and technology, as well as changes in consumer preferences. 

For example, in the 1960s, the FDA introduced regulations requiring that food labels include nutritional information. In the 1990s, the FDA began to require that food labels list the presence of major food allergens.

The most recent major update to the FDA’s labeling regulations came in 2016 when the agency issued the final rule for the Nutrition Fact Label for packaged foods. This rule, which went into effect in 2020, requires that food labels list the amount of added sugars and gives manufacturers the option to declare the amount of potassium and vitamin D in their products.

In addition to these, the FDA also has updated regulations for different products like dietary supplements, cosmetics, medical devices, tobacco, and others.

FDA Labeling Requirements for Different Markets 

FDA labeling requirements vary from market, product, and commodity. Each product, depending on its intention of use, has its own set of requirements that manufacturers need to follow. 

The FDA differentiates between markets so that proper instructions and specific requirements can be given to ensure consumer and product safety and avoid recalls, and potential financial losses.     

The main markets that will be analyzed in this post are: 

  • FDA labeling requirements for medical devices
  • FDA labeling requirements for drugs
  • FDA cosmetics labeling requirements
  • FDA labeling requirements for food 

Following FDA requirements is complicated. We make it easy. 

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FDA Labeling Requirements for Medical Devices 

Medical devices can range from simple to complex. Regardless of its complexity, there is a constant amongst them all. They all need to be tested and approved to meet FDA requirements and compliance. 

Types of Medical Devices and Their Regulations 

A medical device can range from the simplest household item found in everyone’s pantry, like a band-aid, to more complex technology like an x-ray machine. Regulatory authorities globally have put into place risk classifications that group devices into categories based on their potential harm if misused, the complexity of the device, and certain use characteristics. 

These classifications are essential to ensure safety and ease the marketing and placement of devices. It also sets a standard for testing where officials know, according to classification, how much testing a device needs to undergo to be deemed safe and ready for patient use. 

Medical Device Classification 

In the United States, the FDA has classified medical devices into three categories based on the level of control needed to ensure the safety of use. The classifications are: 

  • Class I – Low risks: Includes devices such as bandages, toothbrushes, floss, and hospital beds. Only requires general controls.
  • Class II – Medium Risk: Includes contact lenses, pregnancy tests, and catheters. Requires general controls as well as pre-market notifications 
  • Class III – High Risk: Includes respirators, prosthetics, and pacemakers. Requires all general controls along with special controls and pre-market approval. 

Regulations and Standardizations 

Regardless of their classification, it’s important that all medical devices adhere to a certain set of regulations and standardizations. Much like pharmaceuticals, medical devices are treated with similar rigor and are highly regulated. 

The FDA offers a detailed overview of all the regulations devices need to follow in order to be deemed fit for use by the general public. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sets the standards and convenes them for ease of implementation in the industry.

Some regulations that are put in place for medical devices include: 

  • Establishment registration 
  • Medical device listing 
  • Pre-Market notification 
  • Pre-Market approval 
  • Quality system regulation 
  • Labeling 
  • Medical device reporting 

Labels and Labeling 

The FDA defines a label as a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container of any article” or “all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter.”  

As such, labels are the first point of contact for information for many medical practitioners, patients, and consumers, and need to be accurate to avoid confusion or life-threatening consequences.  

The FDA breaks down label regulations for medical devices and clearly defines them by the following: 

  • General device labeling 
  • Use of symbols 
  • Unique device identification 
  • Good manufacturing practices 
  • General electronic products 

These regulations are in place to primarily ensure that the products and devices in question are being used as they are intended and that the safety of those using them is guaranteed. 

For an in-depth look at how you can comply with FDA labeling requirements for medical devices, read our thorough blog post here. 

FDA Drug Labeling Requirements

For highly regulated industries like pharmaceuticals, following FDA drug labeling requirements is one of the most crucial aspects of the product lifecycle

The accuracy of drug labels ensures that patients and consumers are being given proper instructions and dosages of a prescribed drug. Label accuracy also ensures that pharmaceutical companies avoid life-threatening side effects for their consumers, large recalls, and colossal financial downfalls. 

The Highly Regulated Pharmaceutical Industry 

When it comes to drug labeling, the FDA’s primary purpose and concern are to ensure patient safety and provide healthcare professionals with information about the drug and how it should be prescribed. 

Some of the FDA’s drug label requirements include

  • Highlights (a concise summary of label information)
  • Full prescribing information
  • Recent Major Changes 
  • Indications and Usage 
  • Dosage & Administration 
  • Dosage Forms & Strengths 
  • Contraindications 
  • Warnings & Precautions 
  • Adverse Reactions (listing of most common adverse reactions) 
  • Drug Interactions 

For more information about the importance of FDA drug labeling requirements, read our comprehensive blog post

FDA Cosmetic Labeling Requirements 

All cosmetics marketed globally must comply with provisions set by the governing body of that specific country or region. In the United States, the FDA is responsible for regulating cosmetic labeling with the main goal of ensuring consumer safety and avoiding fraudulent and deceptive statements. 

What are Cosmetics? 

The FDA defines cosmetics as “articles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions.

Some products that fall under this category include creams, lotions, perfumes, make-up, shampoos, toothpaste, and deodorants.

While it may seem clear what cosmetics are, manufacturers need to be careful when creating, labeling, and marketing their cosmetic products to ensure they fit under the FDA’s definition and regulations. 

If not appropriately labeled, some claims may cause a product to fall under the category of a drug, in which case it has to undergo a set of regulations that differ significantly from cosmetics. 

Though sometimes lines can be blurred, manufacturers must understand the difference between cosmetics and drugs and label their products accordingly to avoid potential complications, fines, and recalls. 

Cosmetic Labeling 

Cosmetic products distributed in the United States must comply with all label regulations established by the FDA. Labels are otherwise considered all written, printed, or graphic matter on or accompanying a product.  

The FDA requires that all label statements appear on the inside and outside of the packaging and wrapping. 

It is also important to note that false and misleading claims and wrongly labeled products that do not follow FDA cosmetic labeling requirements and regulations may be subject to regulatory action. 

How to Correctly Label Cosmetics

To ensure the proper placement of cosmetics on the market and that consumers use them appropriately, manufacturers need to take note of adequate labeling requirements and adhere to them as strictly as possible. 

A cosmetic label must contain the following

  • Product identity
  • Net contents 
  • Declaration of Ingredients
  • Label warnings

If you want to learn all about FDA cosmetic labeling requirements and how to meet them with complete ease, read our detailed blog post.

FDA Labeling Requirements for Food

Food labels have very defined rules regarding how they should be placed on packages and containers. 

General Food Labeling Requirements

Generally speaking, there are two ways to label food: 

  1. Place all required label statements on the front of the label panel.
  2. Place certain specified label statements on the principal display panel (PDP, or the part of a food label that is most likely to be displayed to the customer when for sale – the front label on a product) and other labeling on the information panel. 

No matter the food product, the PDP must display specific information critical for consumers. This includes the food name and the net quantity statement. Food must also include the information panel, which is usually placed to the right of the PDP.  

The information panel refers to statements that are generally required to be placed together. They usually include information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, ingredient list, nutrition labeling, and allergy labeling. 

It is also important to note that label standardizations must be followed to ensure consistent and easy-to-read labels. 

The FDA requires that you use a prominent print size and that the font is clear and legible through specified letter height. Additional formatting is also detailed in FDA guidelines to ensure that text is easy to read on different backgrounds and artwork. 

Manufacturers must also ensure that all of their food labels contain the following: 

  • Name of food 
  • Net quantity of contents statements 
  • Ingredients list 
  • Food allergen labeling 
  • Nutrition labeling 
  • Nutrition content claims 

Want to take a deep dive into FDA food labeling requirements? We have the blog post just for you.

How to Meet FDA Labeling Requirements

Regardless of the food, drug, cosmetic, or medical device you want to send out to market, there are constants among them all that help ensure their safety and quality. 

Best Practices for Preparing Labels for FDA Review

There are several best practices for preparing labels for FDA review:

  • Ensure that the label accurately reflects the contents of the product and that it meets all legal requirements for labeling.
  • Include all required information, such as the product’s name, ingredients, and nutritional information when needed.
  • Provide detailed information about the product, including how to use it, storage instructions, and any other relevant information.
  • Make sure that any health or safety claims are supported by scientific evidence and are not misleading.
  • Provide allergen information, if any, on the packaging when needed.
  • Use clear and conspicuous language that is easy to read and understand.
  • Use appropriate formatting and layout to make the label easy to read, including using contrasting colors and appropriate font sizes.
  • Make sure that the label is consistent with any advertising or promotional materials for the product.
  • Provide contact information for the manufacturer or distributor, such as address, phone number, or website.

The Importance of Label Accuracy 

When we look at highly regulated products such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical devices, the first thing our eyes go to, is the label. This is where we know we will find all the information needed about that said product. 

The information stated on that very piece of content determines whether or not a consumer will find the product suitable and reliable enough to purchase and use. Because of this, the accuracy of labels should be of high priority. 

Label accuracy is crucial as it details the products:

  • Safety: Accurate labels ensure that consumers are aware of any potential hazards or allergies associated with the product, which can help prevent harm or injury.
  • Legal compliance: Accurate labels help ensure compliance with these regulations and reduce the risk of fines or legal action.
  • Trust and credibility: Accurate labels help build trust and credibility with consumers, as they demonstrate that a company is committed to providing honest and transparent information about its products.
  • Liability: Inaccurate labeling can lead to product liability claims from consumers who have suffered harm or injury as a result of using a product.

In order to have only the highest quality products making it into the hands of consumers, label accuracy should be a top priority throughout the entire product development process. It is important to proof, check, and, review, labels to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Common Label Mistakes to Avoid

As inaccurate labels can lead to disastrous consequences for highly regulated industries, proofreading, reviewing, and checking labels should be a thorough and precise process. Mistakes should be avoided by any means necessary. 

Some common label mistakes that manufacturers should avoid include:

  • Incorrect or incomplete information: Failing to provide all required information or providing incorrect information on a label.
  • Poor readability: Using small font sizes, poor contrast, or a confusing layout can make it difficult for consumers to read and understand labels.
  • Inadequate allergen labeling: Failing to properly label potential allergens can lead to serious health consequences for certain individuals.
  • Outdated information: Failing to update a label with new information, such as changes in ingredients or nutritional information, can be misleading to consumers.
  • Non-compliance with regulatory requirements: Labels must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, such as those related to nutrition, health and safety claims, and ingredient labeling.
  • Misleading or false claims: Making false or misleading claims on a label can result in legal action and damage to a company’s reputation.

Best Practices for Maintaining FDA Label Compliance

With many rules, regulations, and requirements to follow, it’s no surprise that such heavy importance is placed on label accuracy. For perspective, in drug labeling, it is estimated that over 50% of medication use errors are associated with poor labels. 

Though this includes patient misunderstandings, it is generally believed that implementing standardizations such as text, language, typography, and other display standards will drastically reduce errors in drug labels. 

Along with patient safety, it is also important to note that labeling errors lead to significant recalls and financial losses, which are more frequent than one would think. 

Clinically important drug recalls occur approximately once per month in the United States. For perspective on just how significant these financial impacts can be, Johnson and Johnson lost roughly $600 million in sales after closing a distribution site due to a recall.

Because of this, best practices should be put in place to ensure that labels are accurate while maintaining manufacturing and distribution efficiency and speed. 

One certain method that ensures label accuracy is the implementation of automated quality control, or more precisely, a file comparison tool to check content and labels with complete ease and efficacy.  

What is File Comparison Technology?

Content for highly regulated products is produced at such rates and numbers that companies need to turn to technology to help ensure the accuracy of their content and labeling along with all technical documentation. 

In other words, file comparison technology is the ideal solution they are looking for. 

File comparison technology proofreads documents and files in seconds. The software works by overlaying two files to find discrepancies between the two. No matter how small the errors or differences may be, the software will detect them and pinpoint their exact location on the file.

The software can detect errors in copy and artwork that is nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. Using a document comparison tool, errors and differences can be easily found in text, graphics, barcodes, braille, print, and color.  

The result is proofread and error-free labels and packaging in record time – every time. 

By introducing file comparison technology to your proofreading and reviewing processes, quality control departments in regulated industries can avoid unnecessary and hasty product mistakes that can be easily corrected and avoided. 

The technology gives manufacturers confidence that their products and accompanying labels reach the hands of consumers in pristine condition – down to the last period. 

Find out more about how file comparison technology can help quality control teams in regulated industries.

Your New Automated Solution

Many large global corporations in highly regulated industries have yet to implement new technologies that increase workflow efficiency. 

In some cases, many still rely on manual and labor-intensive proofreading and reviewing processes prone to mistakes, leaving huge potential for operations to be optimized and streamlined for maximum efficiency. 

Automated quality control or a file comparison tool inspects content and artwork with complete ease, lightning speed, and increased accuracy.  

To keep up with increasing global consumer demands, regulated industries create an immeasurable amount of products, each with its own packaging, labeling, and documentation. This content must be meticulously reviewed and proofread to ensure that the final product is error-free. 

 Manually proofreading this amount of content is not an efficient solution for companies that need to keep up with growing demands. File comparison software offers a foolproof solution to ensure all this generated content is checked and proofread perfectly. 

 This advancement in proofreading processes eliminates the need for manual document inspections and leaves it up to technology. The software conducts digital checks for discrepancies in text, spelling, graphics, color, and more. 

The software conducts thorough inspections in a fraction of the time and ensures that labels and content are 100% accurate before going out to the hands of patients and consumers. 

 This technological advancement ultimately increases productivity and workflow efficiency and offers endless benefits unmatched by manual inspections. Not only does automated proofreading software help ease the proofreading process, it simply makes proofreading better. 

Keep Up with FDA Labeling Requirements 

If you want to keep up with FDA labeling requirements with complete ease, switch to automated quality control. A trusted technology, GlobalVision’s innovative automated solutions have been solving problems for regulated industries globally for over thirty years.  

By using GlobalVision to eliminate time-consuming and inaccurate manual checks, the largest pharma companies worldwide cut review times by 89%. Just by making the simple switch to automated quality control, top companies got critical healthcare products into the hands of consumers faster and with complete confidence that their labels and content are 100% accurate and FDA compliant.

To name only a few, GlobalVision has helped:

Ensuring that you meet all FDA drug labeling requirements is far from easy. Yet, through the simple introduction of automated quality control, companies can rest assured that they are drastically eliminating the risk of human error, getting their product to market faster with fewer revision cycles, and reducing the risk of costly recalls and misprints. 

Ready to Automate Your Workflows? 

To ensure market success and error-free, perfect labels, regulated industries must streamline their quality control processes. The simple Implementation of file comparison technology helps teams create flawless labels, speeds up the content creation process and revision times, and gets products to market in record time.   

The benefits a file comparison tool brings to manufacturers are countless and, in most cases, are a crucial company resource. The only way manufacturers can be completely confident that their content and products are error-free is through fast, accurate, and trusted software such as file comparison technology.  

Ready to step into the world of automated proofreading? Request a demo of our innovative text comparison software and see how this technology can revolutionize your everyday business practices. Transform your quality control processes with GlobalVision’s cloud-based quality inspection tool. 

Also, to learn more about how technology can help manage regulatory compliance, check out GlobalVision’s guide Digital Transformation for Pharmaceutical Packaging Quality.


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Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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Blog Post - How to Ace FDA Food Label Compliance Review: Ensure Your Labels are Always Approved

Date: January, 2023 | CategoryCompliance Author: Hana Trokic

Every food item that makes it to the shelves of grocery stores worldwide undergoes rigorous testing and verification to ensure its safety. 

To be precise, it is the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to assure this guarantee and also to check that all foods are properly labeled and that they follow food label compliance. 

This is necessary to give consumers the correct information about the food they buy and consume and to avoid any unnecessary adverse effects that may come with the improper labeling of said products. 

From the ingredients list, allergens, date of packaging, and expiry date, all of this information is essential. Yet, more crucial than the information itself is the accuracy of the information on food labels and packaging. 

The accuracy of their labels guarantees consumer safety and health, and also allows businesses to avoid recalls and substantial financial losses, while protecting their brand and public image. 

In an industry that works in highly regulated and monitored conditions, even the slightest error can lead to enormous consequences. As such, food manufacturers and those working in consumer packaged goods cannot risk faulty labels going out to market.

To ace FDA food label compliance reviews and ensure your labels are always approved, tap into the power of automation. Automated quality control is a comprehensive solution for your compliance needs that ensures all of your food labels meet FDA label compliance review. 

Innovative and accurate software proofreads critical content at scale and instantly catches errors to help you get your products to market faster without compromising on quality. You can now rest easy knowing your food labels are completely error-free all the while following FDA food label compliance and passing all reviews and tests.    

Food Labeling at a Glance

Spell Check image

Food labels have very defined rules regarding how they should be placed on packages and containers.

General Food Labeling Requirements

Generally speaking, there are two ways to label food: 

  1. Place all required label statements on the front of the label panel.
  2. Place certain specified label statements on the principal display panel (PDP, or the part of a food label that is most likely to be displayed to the customer when for sale – the front label on a product) and other labeling on the information panel. 

No matter the food product, the PDP must display specific information critical for consumers. This includes the food name and the net quantity statement. Food must also include the information panel, which is usually placed to the right of the PDP.  

The information panel refers to statements that are generally required to be placed together. They usually include information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, ingredient list, nutrition labeling, and allergy labeling. 

It is also important to note that label standardizations must be followed to ensure consistent and easy-to-read labels. The FDA requires that you use a prominent print size and that the font is clear and legible through specified letter height. Additional formatting is also detailed in FDA guidelines to ensure that text is easy to read on different backgrounds and artwork.

Name of Food

Every food label should be appropriately named so that consumers and the general public know exactly what the product is. The name of the food is referred to as the statement of identity and is required by the FDA to be on the front label. 

As packaging for various yet very different food products may look the same, food products must be appropriately labeled to set them apart at first glance. 

For a more detailed look at how the FDA breaks down naming food on labels, view their detailed food labeling guide here. 

Net Quantity of Contents Statements

The net quantity statement provides information about the amount of food in the container or package. The FDA requires that it be expressed in weight, measure, or numeric count. If the food is solid, the contents are labeled in terms of weight. If it is liquid, they are labeled in fluid measure. 

The net quantity statement must be placed at the bottom 30 percent of the PDP and must show net contents in both metric and U.S. Customary System.

Ingredients List

What is a food label without an ingredient list? One of the most crucial aspects of food labels and packaging, the FDA also clearly defines how ingredients should be written and displayed.

Firstly, ingredients are required to be listed in descending order of predominance. In other words, the most prominent ingredient (by weight) is listed first, and so on. The ingredient list is also placed on the same label as the name and address of the manufacturer.

Like other FDA food label rulings and regulations, the ingredients list is subject to strict standardization. Font and typography should be prominent and unified following the instructions given by the FDA, and the list should always be straightforward and easy to read. 

Food Allergen Labeling 

Under FDA label compliance, food labels are required to include all ingredients that are major allergens and can cause allergic reactions and potential harm to consumers. 

While more than 160 foods have been shown to cause allergies to those with food sensitivities, only eight “major food allergens” must be labeled. This is because these ingredients, or an ingredient that contains protein derived from them, account for 90 percent of all food allergies. 

The eight major food allergens include: 

  • Milk 
  • Egg
  • Fish
  • Crustacean shellfish 
  • Tree nuts 
  • Wheat 
  • Peanuts 
  • Soybeans  

Nutrition Labeling 

The nutrition label provides crucial information to consumers about the nutritional value of the product, broken down by calories, carbs, fat, fiber, protein, and vitamins per serving. It’s easily identifiable as the tabular, square, or rectangular-shaped information panel on all food products and packaging. 

This label is usually displayed with the ingredient list and the name and address of the manufacturer. The location of the nutrition label is not precisely defined by the FDA and can be placed on packaging panels that can be clearly found and seen by consumers. 

The FDA goes into great detail about nutrition labeling to ensure accurate information is being given and displayed to consumers. 

For full details about FDA label compliance for nutrition labeling, see how the FDA breaks down this aspect of food labeling in their detailed guide. 

Nutrition Content Claims 

Nutrition content claims are claims made on food labels and packaging that imply certain nutrient characteristics of the food. This includes claims such as “low fat,” “high in protein,” and “only 100 calories per snack.” 

We’ve all seen these claims on many food products and probably have several in our kitchen at any given moment. These claims aim to describe the level of certain nutrients in a specific food product. 

They usually include words like free, high, low, reduced, lite, etc. The claims and labels are also regulated by the FDA but usually only apply to those with an established daily value. 

Ace FDA Food Label Compliance Review Through Automation 

Spell Check imageFood labels are critical. Not only do they provide vital information to consumers about the food choices they are making, but they are also legally and governmentally mandated and regulated. Those labels we see and read daily are crucial to ensuring the health and safety of the general public and consumer.

Suppose a typo or even a tiny error was to slip through. In that case, food manufacturers could face immense consequences, including large recalls, financial losses, and a negative brand image that could be difficult to reverse. The downfalls that come with faulty food labeling are often irreversible. 

To save your company from going through horrific scenarios and prevent detrimental errors, food manufacturers should turn to automation as a foolproof solution to all proofreading needs.  

Automated quality control makes proofreading processes more efficient and drastically eliminates the risk of errors slipping through in critical and highly regulated content. 

In essence, automated quality control in proofreading is a file comparison tool that overlaps two files to find the discrepancies between them. No matter how minor the differences may be, the software will detect them, pinpoint their exact locations, and generate a comprehensive inspection report allowing users to review and navigate through all found differences. 

A simple yet highly effective solution, all that is required from quality control teams is to upload both documents, conduct a scan, and view the discrepancies in the generated report. 

By using automated solutions for their proofreading needs, food manufacturers can rest assured that their highly critical content is verified with 100 percent accuracy, in record time, and with absolutely no need for manual checks. 

More than Just Text Inspection

While proofreading is often thought to be just for text, file comparison technology allows you to check, review, and inspect files wholistically. As food labels include different elements such as various fonts, typographies, graphics, and artwork, manufacturers can scan complete files in one go without having to do multiple inspections or reviews.

A file comparison tool can detect errors in the following:

Whatever discrepancies may appear in various revision cycles, they will all be detected within seconds to ensure a flawless master copy. GlobalVision’s file comparison software scans and inspects all files to find even the most minor errors allowing you to publish accurate and pixel-perfect labels. 

Perfect Labels, Every Time. 

Critical content in highly regulated industries should undergo rigorous and detailed reviews, but that doesn’t mean they have to be complicated and time-consuming. Automated quality control allows for thorough inspections that increase efficiency while decreasing review times and errors. 

Food manufacturers can expect to experience countless benefits and advantages by implementing automated quality control – a leading proofreading solution for all regulated industries. An easy fix that ensures that all of your labels meet FDA food label compliance reviews, automated quality control is a comprehensive solution that does it all.   

Enhance your proofreading practices and make the switch today. See how automated quality control can streamline your revision workflows by allowing you to proofread critical content at scale while maintaining complete accuracy.

Discover firsthand the benefits of automated quality control. Request a demo of GlobalVision, and get started today


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Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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Blog - Overcome Your Content Challenges in Cosmetic Labeling to Meet FDA Requirements

Date: December, 2022 | CategoryProofreading Author: Hana Trokic

When most of us go out searching for our next “new favorite product,” we rely heavily on the claims written on the packaging. “All natural ingredients,” “results after only one use,” and “98% effective” are only some claims we see scattered across cosmetic aisles globally. 

But just how effective are these labels? For perspective, ask yourself, would you buy a cosmetic product that didn’t have a label? What about a product that had errors and typos on its labeling? It’s safe to say that most of us would skip that product and move on to one with more enticing branding and trustworthy labeling and packaging. 

In other words, packaging and labels are consumers’ first impressions of your product, so you want to get it right. As a form of advertising, cosmetic labels often include a long list of promises as manufacturers try to sell you on their claims. Yet, not only do they have to convince you of their guarantees of beauty and benefits, but they also need to sell you on its efficacy. 

Moreover, cosmetic manufacturers operate in a highly regulated industry, further complicating the labeling process. Not only do they have to consider branding and marketing guidelines, but they also have to focus on FDA cosmetic labeling requirements, as there are strict rules and regulations behind every cosmetic label.

The Challenges of Cosmetic Labeling

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All cosmetics marketed globally must comply with provisions set by the governing body of that specific country or region. In the United States, the FDA is responsible for regulating cosmetic labeling with the main goal of ensuring consumer safety and avoiding fraudulent and deceptive statements.

What are Cosmetics?

The FDA defines cosmetics as “articles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions.

Some products that fall under this category include creams, lotions, perfumes, make-up, shampoos, toothpaste, and deodorants.

While it may seem clear what cosmetics are, manufacturers need to be careful when creating, labeling and marketing their cosmetic products to ensure they fit under the FDA’s definition and regulations. If not appropriately labeled, some claims may cause a product to fall under the category of a drug, in which case it has to undergo a set of regulations that differ significantly from cosmetics. 

Though sometimes lines can be blurred, manufacturers must understand the difference between cosmetics and drugs and label their products properly to avoid potential complications, fines, and recalls.

Cosmetic Labeling

Cosmetic products distributed in the United States must comply with all label regulations established by the FDA. Labels are otherwise considered all written, printed, or graphic matter on or accompanying a product.  

The FDA requires that all label statements appear on the inside and outside of the packaging and wrapping. 

It is also important to note that false and misleading claims and wrongly labeled products that do not follow FDA cosmetic labeling requirements and regulations may be subject to regulatory action.

How to Correctly Label Cosmetics

To ensure the proper placement of cosmetics on the market and that consumers use them appropriately, manufacturers need to take note of adequate labeling requirements and adhere to them as strictly as possible. 

A cosmetic label must contain the following

  • Product identity
  • Net contents 
  • Declaration of Ingredients
  • Label warnings

Product Identity 

Product identity is the most crucial aspect of FDA cosmetics labeling requirements as it tells consumers what your product is and its intended use. Many cosmetic products and packaging look the same, i.e., lotions, shampoos, creams, etc. 

The label and statement of identity are what help consumers tell them apart. Because of this, product identity has to be displayed on the front of the package, so the general public is immediately aware of its intended use. 

Net Contents

Net contents tell consumers the quantity of your product, i.e., how much product is in the package. 

Products that are solids display their net content in terms of weight, while liquid products display their contents in terms of volume. The accuracy of the net contents is also highly regulated by the FDA as it ensures that it accurately reveals the quantity of cosmetics in the container in terms of weight, volume, measure, numerical count, or combinations of count and weight, volume, or measure.

Declaration of Ingredients

All cosmetics under the FDA are required to bear an ingredient declaration. 

The declaration of ingredients must be clearly visible so that it can be found and read at the time of purchase. The placement of the ingredients is not strictly standardized like the product name or net contents. It can be displayed on any information panel on the package. 

The ingredients must also be listed in order of predominance. In other words, the ingredient with the highest percentage is listed first, while other ingredients are listed according to their percentage in descending order. Ingredients at 1% or less can be listed in no particular order at the end of the ingredient declaration.

Label Warnings

Cosmetics that may cause adverse reactions or be hazardous to consumers if improperly used must be addressed through FDA cosmetic labeling requirements. Appropriate warnings and directions of use need to be clearly labeled and prominently displayed.

Some cosmetics that fall into this category include:

  • Aerosol products
  • Deodorant sprays
  • Children’s bubble bath 

Overcoming the Cosmetic Labeling Challenges

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Just as it’s crucial to follow FDA regulations for labels, it’s equally as important that those labels are entirely error-free. Typos and artwork errors can make cosmetic products seem untrustworthy and unreliable. After all, why would consumers trust the contents of a product that was so hastily packaged and labeled?

Once you have ensured your labels meet all FDA cosmetic labeling requirements, the next step is to ensure that your content and artwork are error-free

Text comparison software is a tool that allows cosmetic manufacturers to run an automated side-by-side comparison of two files to identify discrepancies and errors with complete ease. 

Eliminating the need for laborious and error-prone manual proofreading checks, this advancement in automated quality control simplifies, optimizes, and upgrades workflows to ensure that your cosmetic labels are always top quality and free from mistakes. 

Through the simple addition of this software, manufacturers can proofread and run checks for every aspect of their labels and packaging. With accuracy and precision, the software finds errors and discrepancies in text, colour, graphics, barcodes, and print, to name a few. 

To ensure that you keep your product’s quality, reliability, and status on the market, implement processes that keep your labels and packaging safe from unwanted errors.

Automated quality control streamlines revision and proofreading processes and brings endless benefits for businesses and manufacturers – especially those dealing with sensitive copy, documentation, and content, such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetic manufacturers. 

Cosmetic Labels that Meet all FDA Requirements

A miracle in a bottle – a claim most cosmetic manufacturers love to make. Yet without proper labeling and packaging, it’s hard for them to make such a statement and sell consumers their product.

To ensure market success and picture-perfect labels that stand out, you must get your cosmetic labels right. Implement a text comparison tool that helps you create flawless labels, speeds up the content creation process and revision times, and gets your product to market in record time.   

The benefits a file comparison tool will bring cosmetic manufacturers are countless and, in most cases, are a crucial company resource. The only way manufacturers can be completely confident that their content and products are error-free is through fast, accurate, and trusted software. 

Ready to step into the world of automated proofreading? Request a demo of our innovative text comparison software and see how this technology can revolutionize your everyday business practices. Transform your quality control processes with GlobalVision.

Also, to learn more about how technology can help manage regulatory compliance, check out GlobalVision’s guide Digital Transformation for Pharmaceutical Packaging Quality.

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Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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How to Ease the Labeling Proofreading Process for Medical Devices

Date: November, 2022 | CategoryProofreading Author: Hana Trokic

A medical device can range from the simplest household item found in everyone’s pantry, like a band-aid, to more complex technology like an x-ray machine. Regardless of its complexity, there is a constant amongst them all. They all need to be tested and approved to meet FDA requirements and compliance. 

While there is a long list of requirements to meet to even be classified as a medical device by the FDA, once labeled, there are strict rules and regulations put in place to ensure its proper use along with patient and consumer safety. These rules surround all documentation associated with the device, including labels, packaging, and technical documentation.  

A long and tedious process, FDA labeling requirements for medical devices is rigorous for good reason. The detrimental consequences that can come with the improper use of devices are extremely high risk and companies make sure to take every precaution possible to avoid irreversible and potentially permanent problems. 

One way medical companies ensure the safety and quality of their products is through precise checks, reviews, and thorough proofreading. Every aspect of the device is inspected and reviewed to ensure no mistakes have slipped through and that the final product is error-free.

Yet, when companies rely on manual methods as their primary approach to proofreading and quality control, they are increasing their chances of producing faulty products, labels, and packaging, due to the heightened likelihood of human error. 

Luckily, pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers don’t have to rely on manual methods anymore to ensure their label and content accuracy. They can now turn to automated quality control as their secret to flawless labels, artwork, and products. 

Types of Medical Devices and Their Regulations

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Medical devices can range from simple to complex. Regulatory authorities globally have put into place risk classifications that group devices into categories based on their potential harm if misused, the complexity of the device, and certain use characteristics. 

These classifications are essential to ensure safety and ease the marketing and placement of devices. It also sets a standard for testing where officials know, according to classification, how much testing a device needs to undergo to be deemed safe and ready for patient use.

Medical Device Classification

In the United States, the FDA has classified medical devices into three categories based on the level of control needed to ensure the safety of use. The classifications are: 

  • Class I – Low risks: Includes devices such as bandages, toothbrushes, floss, and hospital beds. Only requires general controls.
  • Class II – Medium Risk: Includes contact lenses, pregnancy tests, and catheters. Requires general controls as well as pre-market notifications 
  • Class III – High Risk: Includes respirators, prosthetics, and pacemakers. Requires all general controls along with special controls and pre-market approval.

Regulations and Standardizations

Regardless of their classification, it’s important that all medical devices adhere to a certain set of regulations and standardizations. Much like pharmaceuticals, medical devices are treated with similar rigor and are highly regulated. 

The FDA offers a detailed overview of all the regulations devices need to follow in order to be deemed fit for use by the general public. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sets the standards and convenes them for ease of implementation in the industry.

Some regulations that are put in place for medical devices include: 

  • Establishment registration 
  • Medical device listing 
  • Pre-Market notification 
  • Pre-Market approval 
  • Quality system regulation 
  • Labeling 
  • Medical device reporting

Labels and Labeling

The FDA defines a label as a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container of any article” or “all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter.”  

As such, labels are the first point of contact for information for many medical practitioners, patients, and consumers, and need to be accurate to avoid confusion or life-threatening consequences.  

The FDA breaks down label regulations and clearly defines them by the following: 

  • General device labeling 
  • Use of symbols 
  • Unique device identification 
  • Good manufacturing practices 
  • General electronic products 

These regulations are in place to primarily ensure that the products and devices in question are being used as they are intended and that the safety of those using them is guaranteed. 

Keeping up with these regulations is already an extremely complicated process, but simplifying workflows and streamlining processes to increase efficiency is very much possible. 

Once you ensure that your medical device labelings are following all regulations and standardizations how can you ensure that the written, printed, and graphic matter of your products are error-free

A document comparison tool is the natural next step in your regulation and standardization process that enhances your labels and artwork and makes keeping up with regulations easy. In a fraction of the time, you will be able to check and inspect entire files and documents and increase the accuracy of labels while easing the FDA labeling requirements put in place for medical devices.    

Making FDA Labeling Requirements a Breeze

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While traditionally manual checks were the method by which medical device labels, packaging, and graphics, were inspected, in today’s modern, globalized markets, demand is too large to rely on outdated methodologies. 

Devices and accompanying content are being produced at such rates and numbers that companies need to turn to technology to help ensure the accuracy of their products along with all technical documentation. 

In other words, a text comparison tool is the ideal solution they are looking for. 

A text comparison tool proofreads documents and files in seconds. The software works by overlaying two files to find discrepancies between the two. No matter how small the errors or differences may be, the software will detect them and pinpoint their exact location on the file.

The software can detect errors in copy and artwork that is nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. Using a document comparison tool, errors and differences can be easily found in text, graphics, barcodes, braille, print, and color.  

The result is proofread and error-free labels and packaging in record time – every time. 

To avoid unnecessary and hasty product mistakes that can be easily corrected and avoided, introduce text comparison technology to your workflows to ensure your medical device labelings reach the hands of consumers in pristine condition – down to the last period. 

Ready to Simplify Your Processes?

In an already complicated and highly regulated industry, keeping up with regulations can be complicated and hard to follow. 

Pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers should search for solutions to help ease the FDA labeling requirements for medical devices while simultaneously increasing the accuracy of their labels and the efficiency of creating and printing them. 

Through the use of the right technology, such as text comparison technology, companies and manufacturers can see increased benefits in their workflows that result in better and more accurate products.  

Using trusted automated proofreading technology like GlobalVision, companies in regulated industries can automate their quality control and get products to market faster, with complete confidence.

To learn more about file comparison technology and how it can benefit your company, request a demo of GlobalVision today!

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Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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Ensure Your Labels Meet all FDA Drug Labeling Requirements with Automated Quality Control

Date: November, 2022 | CategoryQuality Author: Hana Trokic

For highly regulated industries like pharmaceuticals, following FDA drug labeling requirements is one of the most crucial aspects of the product lifecycle. With so many laws, rules, and regulations to follow, the task of creating documentation, labels, and content surrounding a single drug or product quickly becomes stressful and tedious.  

Yet, drug label requirements are in place for a reason – and a good one at that. The accuracy of drug labels ensures that patients and consumers are being given proper instructions and dosages of a prescribed drug. Label accuracy also ensures that pharmaceutical companies avoid life-threatening side effects for their consumers, large recalls, and colossal financial downfalls.

With so much on the line, pharmaceutical companies cannot risk label errors slipping through.    

Thankfully, software shortcuts such as automated quality control is a one-stop shop for your compliance needs that makes sure your labels meet any and all FDA drug labeling requirements. 

Automated quality control is an easy solution that allows you to proofread labels and content in record time. Not only does it decrease proofreading and review times, but it also decreases errors while increasing the efficiency of your workflows. 

With this comprehensive software solution, you can ensure that all of your labels follow FDA requirements while being accurate and completely error-free.    

The Highly Regulated Pharmaceutical Industry 

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When it comes to drug labeling, the FDA’s primary purpose and concern are to ensure patient safety and provide healthcare professionals with information about the drug and how it should be prescribed. Some of the
FDA’s drug label requirements include

  • Highlights (a concise summary of label information)
  • Full prescribing information
  • Recent Major Changes 
  • Indications and Usage 
  • Dosage & Administration 
  • Dosage Forms & Strengths 
  • Contraindications 
  • Warnings & Precautions 
  • Adverse Reactions (listing of most common adverse reactions) 
  • Drug Interactions 

With so many regulations to follow, it’s no surprise that such heavy importance is placed on label accuracy. Even so, it is estimated that over 50% of medication use errors are associated with poor drug labeling. Though this includes patient misunderstandings, it is generally believed that implementing standardizations such as text, language, typography, and other display standards will drastically reduce errors in drug labels. 

Along with patient safety, it is also important to note that labeling errors lead to significant recalls and financial losses, which are more frequent than you would think. Clinically important drug recalls occur approximately once per month in the United States. For perspective on just how significant these financial impacts can be, Johnson and Johnson lost roughly $600 million in sales after closing a distribution site due to a recall.

To avoid the detrimental consequences that label errors bring, pharmaceutical companies need to implement a functioning proofreading and reviewing process. They must inspect labels, artwork, and content at every step of production, ensuring the accuracy of the complete file. 

Innovations in automation, such as GlobalVision’s file comparison software, allow pharmaceutical companies to implement an all-in-one quality control platform that inspects complete files, including text, spelling, artwork, graphics, braille, and barcodes, at every stage of production. It allows for label standardization as it detects discrepancies no matter how small, making it easier for companies to ensure their labels are following the standards set in place.

Through automated quality control, companies can be sure that their labels are consistently accurate, and meet all standards and compliance guidelines, while meeting FDA drug labeling requirements with increased ease and efficiency. 

The Benefits of Automated Quality Control 

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Many large global pharmaceutical companies have yet to implement new technologies that increase workflow efficiency. 

In some cases, many still rely on manual and labor-intensive proofreading and reviewing processes prone to mistakes, leaving huge potential for operations to be optimized and streamlined for maximum efficiency. 

The solution, thankfully, is simple. Automated quality control inspects content and artwork with complete ease, lightning speed, and increased accuracy.  

To keep up with increasing global consumer demands, pharmaceutical companies are creating almost immeasurable amounts of products, each with its own packaging, labeling, and documentation. This content must be meticulously reviewed and proofread to ensure that the final product is error-free. 

Manually proofreading this amount of content is not an efficient solution for companies that need to keep up with growing demands. Automated proofreading software offers a foolproof solution to ensure all this generated content is checked and proofread perfectly. 

This advancement in proofreading processes eliminates the need for manual document inspections and leaves it up to technology. The software conducts digital checks for discrepancies in text, spelling, graphics, color, and more. The software conducts thorough inspections in a fraction of the time and ensures that labels and content are 100% accurate before going out to the hands of patients and consumers. 

This technological advancement ultimately increases productivity and workflow efficiency and offers endless benefits unmatched by manual inspections. Not only does automated proofreading software help ease the proofreading process, it simply makes proofreading better. 

Keep Up with FDA Drug Labeling Requirements 

Spell Check imageIf you want to keep up with FDA drug labeling requirements with complete ease, switch to automated quality control. A trusted technology, GlobalVision’s innovative automated solutions have been solving problems for pharmaceutical companies globally for over thirty years.  

By using GlobalVision to eliminate time-consuming and inaccurate manual checks, the largest pharma companies worldwide cut review times by 89%. Just by making the simple switch to automated quality control, top companies got critical healthcare products into the hands of consumers faster and with complete confidence that their labels and content are 100% accurate and FDA compliant.

To name only a few, GlobalVision has helped:

Ensuring that you meet all FDA drug labeling requirements is far from easy. Yet, through the simple introduction of automated quality control, companies can rest assured that they are drastically eliminating the risk of human error, getting their product to market faster with fewer revision cycles, and reducing the risk of costly recalls and misprints. 

Ensure Consistent Quality 

With endless benefits and countless advantages to your company’s revision processes, automated quality control is the leading solution for pharmaceutical companies that wish to ensure the quality of their labels and content. All the while ensuring they meet all FDA labeling requirements. 

Enhance your proofreading practices and make the switch today. See how automated quality control can streamline your business’s workflows by allowing you to proofread critical content at scale while maintaining the complete accuracy of your labels and content.   

Discover firsthand the benefits of automated quality control. Request a demo of GlobalVision, and get started today

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Ensure your content is always error-free in record time with GlobalVision. Try it now for free.

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