Entries by Hana Trokic

Our Biggest Release Yet. Verify 2022.2.

Verify is inspection technology reinvented—a web-based proofreading platform that ensures that you produce error-free content with the utmost ease, accuracy, and efficiency. With Verify’s automated proofreading solutions you can now streamline your work processes and produce higher-quality content in a fraction of the time.

A Deep Dive into Enterprise Pharma’s Content Efficiency Problem

To avoid recalls caused by content errors, companies must inspect the artwork at every step of production, ensuring the accuracy of the text, labels, design, braille content, and barcodes. Innovations in automation now allow pharmaceutical companies to implement all-in-one quality control platforms like GlobalVision, that check text, spelling, artwork, graphics, braille, and barcodes at every stage of production.


Five Reasons Why You Should Use A File Comparison Tool

Date: March, 2022 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic Just as we become more dependent on technology with every passing day, businesses should also take note. Digital transformation is essential for any business that wants to remain relevant and competitive in the market.  Automating workflows and processes is the only way to keep up with demand, and relying […]

New Release: GlobalVision Web 3.10

Date: March, 2022 | Category: Company | Author: Hana Trokic Introducing GVW 3.10, GlobalVision’s latest version of the original cloud-based inspection platform. Built with the purpose of enhancing the overall user experience when navigating and reporting differences, GVW brings a new way of interpreting results efficiently. With one of the most enhanced releases yet, GVW 3.10 promises to improve […]


Verify 2021.4 – Annotating Files, A Deeper Look

Date: February, 2022 | Category: Company | Author: Hana Trokic Verify’s Intended Changes Feature Digital content creation is synonymous with the term ‘revision.’ As copy is being created, changes are constantly being made, resulting in multiple versions of a document or file. These revisions are usually communicated through various annotations such as highlights, underlines, callouts, cross-outs, […]

How Automated Proofreaders can Increase Productivity

Date: February, 2022 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic To keep up with increasing global consumer demands, most companies in various industries need to create immeasurable amounts of written content. From packaging to digital to marketing, all of this beautifully created content needs to be carefully checked and proofread to ensure that your final product is perfect. […]

Risks of Manual Verification as a Proofreading Method

Date: January, 2022 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic Before a product reaches the hands of consumers, there are thousands of behind-the-scenes steps, procedures, and inspections that have to be completed to ensure that the final product is perfect. All aspects of the product must be free from error, including the packaging, labeling, and copy. Not a […]

Five Best Proofreading Practices for Business

Date: January 17, 2022 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic Top 5 Business Proofreading Practices You’ve spent hours writing your copy, you got every word, sentence, and paragraph to flow perfectly in sync, and you are finally ready to publish your content. Are you confident you checked every last detail to the T? Sure, you […]

Verify 2021.3 New Release

Introducing Verify 2021.3, the latest version of GlobalVision’s web-based inspection application. Built to deliver a more intuitive user experience, Verify optimizes inspections by catching deviations at every revision point.