Entries by Hana Trokic


A Quick Guide on How to Compare PDF Files

Date: March, 2024 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic Today, physical files are becoming less common as digital files slowly replace their use cases and take center stage. Because of this, knowing how to manage these documents efficiently is vital for professionals across various industries.  In pharmaceuticals and in similarly regulated industries, PDFs, in particular, stand out […]

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7 Reasons Why Pharma Needs Document Comparison Software for Regulatory Proofreading

Date: March, 2024 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic Why does pharma need document comparison software for their regulatory proofreading? For pharmaceutical companies, keeping documentation compliant with regulations is a top priority. From regulatory submissions to drug labels, promotional materials, and more, every piece of critical content must be meticulously proofread to ensure it adheres to strict […]

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Verify’s New AI-Powered OCR Feature Brings Unmatched Character-for-Character Inspections to Regulated Industries

Date: February, 2024 | Category: Company | Author: Hana Trokic Verify’s New AI-Powered OCR Feature is Here! Verify, GlobalVision’s newest and most innovative cloud-based proofreading software, has just raised the bar for proofreading in regulated industries with the official launch of its groundbreaking AI-powered OCR (optical character recognition) feature.  This launch is set to transform the compliance and […]

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Why Regulatory Affairs Teams Need Document Comparison Software in 2024

Date: February, 2024 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Hana Trokic Why do regulatory affairs teams need document comparison software in 2024? For Regulatory Affairs, where adherence to strict compliance standards and efficient quality control processes are critical, the use of technology to help ease daily workflows has become particularly apparent in the past decade—2024 is expected to be […]

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Proofreading Has Never Been Easier – Verify’s Winter Release Brings a New Approval Workflow for Custom Dictionary Words and More

Introducing our Verify Winter Release, an update that brings enhanced functionalities designed to elevate your compliance review experience by redefining precision in automated proofreading. With new versatile capabilities, this update broadens the scope of applicable use cases, amplifies workflow efficiency, and elevates the accuracy of your inspection results.

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Revolutionizing Braille Inspection: Introducing the Upgraded GVD Braille Module

From a quality control perspective, Braille Inspection and accuracy play an important role as Braille is mandatory on pharmaceutical packaging all across Europe, and is strongly recommended by the FDA in Western markets, while other regions such as the ASEAN markets are working to heighten inclusivity by implementing braille requirements on packaging as well.