Entries by Ryan Szporer

All the Popular Printing Methods from Letterpress to Digital

Date: March, 2019 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Ryan Szporer The invention of the printing press is often understated in terms of its importance, with the advent of the digital age in which we now live. It’s true that these days, people can go entire days without reading something that’s been printed out thanks to the internet. However, […]

Access-Level Additions Shape GlobalVision 5.4 into Biggest Desktop Release Yet

Date: February, 2019 | Category: Company | Author: Ryan Szporer <div style=”display: none;”> </div>&lt;p>Many within the quality-control community should be excited about the latest GlobalVision 5.4 release for desktop. None more so than system administrators, whose lives get a lot easier with a brand new access level to assign to users.<!–more–></p> <!– wp:heading {“level”:3} –><h3 id=”h-top-new-features-include”><strong>Top new features include:</strong></h3><!– […]

The Key to a Successful Software Development Lifecycle? Data Integrity.

Date: January, 2019 | Category: quality | Author: Ryan Szporer In spite of the term Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), there aren’t concrete steps to follow when coding. Each case is somewhat different, even if there is one universal truth: Certain standards apply across the board. Data integrity is one such standard. The Ultimate Software Development Lifecycle Goal It […]

The Importance of an Audit Trail to Securing Data Integrity

Date: January, 2019 | Category: Quality | Author: Ryan Szporer It’s easier to think of an audit trail as a collection of breadcrumbs leading out of the woods. The Bright Side of Being Audited Admittedly, the word “audit” gets a bad reputation. It’s usually associated with the unpleasant process of the same name that can be initiated by […]

10 Ways to Improve Your Barcodes

Date: December, 2018 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Ryan Szporer     It’s a bit of a conundrum in our technologically advanced day and age, but, without barcodes to scan, the retail world would effectively grind to a halt. The dependency is understandable though, as barcodes are just that much more effective relative to labels, they can contain that […]

GlobalVision Desktop 5.3 and Web 3.3 Deliver Greater User Control

Date: November, 2018 | Category: Company | Author: Ryan Szporer The just-released GlobalVision Desktop 5.3 and GlobalVision Web 3.3 each bring exciting, new features to the forefront. The end result, for both deployment options, is greater overall ease of use, though. Top new GlobalVision Desktop features include: Text Inspection tweaks to insertions/ deletions, which are now easier to […]


Why Error-Free Packaging and Labeling Is a Must

Date: November, 2018 | Category: Proofreading | Author: Ryan Szporer Pristine, error-free packaging, and labeling undeniably look good, but it’s more than that. It’s a necessity, regardless of the industry in question. Of course, it conveys brand strength, but, more importantly, it’s about respecting regulations that were put in place for a reason. Mislabeling Misadventures The strength of […]