Why Automated Quality Control is the Key to Getting Products to Market Faster

Why Automated Quality Control is the Key to Getting Products to Market Faster banner

Date: August, 2021 | Category: Quality | Author: Kayla Caticchio

The modern business era has been characterized by a constant need to produce and deliver products with speed and efficiency.

Long delays can result in financial losses and wasted resources that could have otherwise been used to acquire new business. Globalization and digitalization have redefined the standards of business practices by enabling companies to sell their products in various foreign markets. In turn, competition between brands has increased exponentially and companies are being held to the highest standards of customer satisfaction.

To manage localization requirements, businesses must be able to standardize quality control parameters across the entire enterprise. Any quality errors that make their way onto labels or packaging can undermine the bottom line by causing consumers to jump between brands due to mistrust or safety concerns. 

With all these obstacles consistently present within business operations, companies must find a way to tackle potential quality issues while simultaneously working to expand their business. They must be able to complete projects and deliver products to market quickly to avoid losing customers to competing brands. Automated quality control is a digital technology that helps improve quality inspections by reducing mistakes in the workflow.

By eliminating manual proofreading, businesses can improve performance and thus get products to market faster without compromising quality.

Manual vs Automated Proofreading

illustration of a magnifying glass with packaging inspectionBusinesses today are relying on digital technology more than ever before. When it comes to quality control, automation technology is drastically changing the nature of running inspections on labels, packaging, and digital files.

Quality control is vital for the success and long-term sustainability of any consumer-facing business, and fortunately, the digital era has created ways to improve quality control processes for companies across multiple industries.

Replacing manual proofreading can eliminate inefficiencies and speed up time to market by automating the inspection of text, documents, graphics, and more. GlobalVision’s comprehensive inspection software helps businesses ensure a high standard of quality control while eliminating time-consuming and error-prone manual checks.

How Does Automated Quality Control Get Products to Market Faster?

Illustration of inspected products and logosAutomated quality control technology, like GlobalVision, helps businesses get products to market faster without compromising quality. By automating manual tasks that would otherwise take hours to complete, GlobalVision speeds up the entire quality control process and significantly cuts down proofreading time. In turn, errors can be detected quickly and accurately as inefficiencies like fatigue and human error are eliminated.

Additional benefits of implementing automation technology in your business’ quality control process: 

Illustration of a fast inspecitonTime benefits of automated quality control.

  • Eliminates hours spent searching content for errors
  • Inspects files in seconds compared to hours spent manually proofreading
  • Automatically detect all types of errors at any stage of the process
  • Achieve faster turnaround times by accelerating approvals and reducing quality delays

Efficiency benefits of automated quality control.

  • Easily compare two files to detect any differences between the two
  • Identify any touchpoints within your business that are prone to errors
  • Utilize time usually spent on proofreading to bring jobs to market faster

Visit GlobalVision’s web page to learn more about getting your products to market faster with automated quality control.